This class was created by Brainscape user Renee DeAngelis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (52)

Respiratory Disease
What are 7 signs of that can loca...,
What are 4 signs that can localiz...,
Signalment keegan 10 y o mc borde...
74  cards
Nasal Disease
What should be considered for acu...,
How does reverse sneezing affect ...,
What is stertor what is the main ...
88  cards
Nasopharyngeal, Pharyngeal, & Brachycephalic Airway Diseases
What is the function of the nasop...,
What 3 structures does the nasoph...,
What are the 3 parts of the pharynx
62  cards
Laryngeal Disease
In what 3 ways does the larynx of...,
What are the major manifestations...,
What is laryngeal paralysis
20  cards
Tracheal & Bronchial Disorders
What is the most common sign of t...,
What 2 conditions should be consi...,
How do the 3 regions of the lower...
98  cards
Pulmonary Parenchymal Disease
What causes lung sounds seen in l...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is commonly seen on physical...
72  cards
Pulmonary Parenchymal Disease, Pt. 2
How is parasitic pneumonia diagno...,
What are the 4 most common parasi...,
What is the classical sign of par...
50  cards
Pleural Cavity Diseases
What is the function of pleural f...,
Where is pleural fluid formed and...,
What is pleural effusion what are...
54  cards
Azotemia & Acute Kidney Injury
What are the major components of ...,
What is the functional unit of th...,
What are 4 functions of the kidneys
25  cards
Chronic Kidney Disease
What are the most common familial...,
What are the most common acquired...,
What is the most common cause of ckd
29  cards
How does a normal kidney handle a...,
What is proteinuria,
What are 3 causes of physiologic ...
41  cards
Polyuria & Polydipsia
What are the 4 steps to urine for...,
What is the greatest contributor ...,
How does the pituitary gland cont...
26  cards
What is micturition urination,
What is the difference between ur...,
How does urine normally flow
39  cards
Lower Urinary Tract Disease
What are the 5 most common signs ...,
At what points if hematuria micro...,
What do the abnormal colors of pi...
26  cards
How do urinary stone develop,
What are the 2 most common urolit...,
What is the nidus of a urolith
25  cards
What 2 things affect systemic bp,
What is systemic hypertension wha...,
What are the 4 most common causes...
31  cards
Urinary Review
What is another name for triple p...,
A 6 y o dog is unable to urinate ...,
A 4 y o mn dsh presents with lut ...
32  cards
Thyroid Physiology
What is the functional unit in th...,
What are the 6 steps to thyroid h...,
What are the 4 steps to thyroid h...
10  cards
What is the most common cause of ...,
How does hyperthyroidism affect t...,
What are the most common signalme...
31  cards
Feline Hypothyroidism
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most common result in...,
Why is hypothyroidism following h...
13  cards
Canine Hypothryoidism
What is the most common etiology ...,
What is the most common signalmen...,
What are 4 signs of hypothyroidism
30  cards
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
What 6 things does the hypothalam...,
What is the hypothalamic pituitar...,
What are the 3 zones of the adren...
14  cards
Canine Pituitary & Adrenal Diseases
What are the 2 forms of naturally...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are the 2 pituitary tumors t...
39  cards
Canine Pituitary and Adrenal Diseases & Pheochromocytoma
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are 2 causes of iatrogenic a...,
What is the difference between ty...
22  cards
Feline Pituitary & Adrenal Diseases
What are the 3 most common causes...,
What is the most common signalmen...,
What are the 4 most common clinic...
29  cards
What organ controls glucose homeo...,
How much of liver mass is require...,
What is the difference between gl...
20  cards
What is diabetes mellitus what ar...,
What are 4 results of the decreas...,
What is responsible for the metab...
53  cards
Diabetes, Pt. 2
Types of insulin,
When should animals be started at...,
How is insulin measured
43  cards
Diabetes, Pt. 3
What is the time of onset on a gl...,
What is the ideal glucose range i...,
What is the ideal nadir when shou...
35  cards
Disorders of Calcium & Parathyroid Glands
What makes up total calcium,
What are the 2 main calcium hormones,
What 4 systems are affected by hy...
65  cards
Neuroanatomy & Neurologic Examination
What is the difference between um...,
What is the difference between um...,
Umn vs lmn signs
71  cards
How does magnetic resonance imagi...,
What is t1 and t2 relaxation how ...,
What is the difference between t1...
25  cards
Encephalopathies, Pt. 2
What are 3 anomalous developmenta...,
What is chiari like malformation ...,
What signalment is most commonly ...
26  cards
Encephalopathies, Pt. 3
How do infectious encephalopathie...,
What is corticosteroid responsive...,
How do patients with corticostero...
54  cards
Canine & Feline Epilepsy
What is the main cause of seizures,
What cells are responsible for ma...,
What is resting membrane potential
36  cards
Traumatic Brain Injuries
What are the 2 types of head trauma,
How does primary injury affect th...,
What is the most common reason fo...
33  cards
Disorders of the Cervical Spine
How do cervical spinal cord lesio...,
How should patients be palpated f...,
What is characteristic of c1 c5 l...
32  cards
Disorders of the Thoracolumbar Spine
How are the pelvic and thoracic l...,
Other than thoracic and pelvic li...,
What are 5 steps in the pathophys...
29  cards
Disorders of the Lumbosacral Spine
What is the cauda equina,
What 3 things make up the lumbosa...,
What is a dorsal laminectomy
31  cards
Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System
What are the 3 most common diagno...,
What are 3 signs of peripheral ne...,
How are most degenerative periphe...
40  cards
What imaging modalities are avail...,
What are the 5 major indications ...,
How can image quality of radiogra...
24  cards
Neurodiagnostics, Pt. 2
What is mri based on how does it ...,
What is phase coherence,
What is the difference between t1...
34  cards
Neurodiagnostics, Pt. 3
What are electrodiagnostics based on,
What is responsible for membrane ...,
What is nernst potential
25  cards
Regenerative Anemia
What is anemia,
What is the normal pcv hct in dog...,
What is indicative of regenerativ...
36  cards
Non-Regenerative Anemia
What is indicative of regeneration,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What endocrine diseases and nutri...
21  cards
What is erythrocytosis,
What is the difference between ab...,
What s the difference between pri...
11  cards
Bleeding Disorders
What is hemostasis,
What are the 4 steps in hemostasis,
How does endothelial injury start...
74  cards
Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis
What hypersensitivities are assoc...,
What are the 4 classification of ...
28  cards
Immunosuppressive Therapy
What is the primary immunosuppres...,
What adjunctive and supportive th...,
How are immunosuppressive therapi...
48  cards
Feline Retroviral Diseases
What are the 2 major retroviruses...,
What are the felv proteins that a...,
What signalment is most commonly ...
40  cards
Viral Diseases
What animals can be infected by c...,
How is cdv transmitted how long a...,
What is the initial step to the p...
69  cards
Protozoal Diseases
What causes toxoplasmosis what is...,
What life cycle of toxoplasma is ...,
What is the extraintestinal life ...
63  cards

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small animal medicine

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