This class was created by Brainscape user Leiel Lalo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

CV Drugs
Watch out in using ace inhibitors...,
Why does hypokalemia increase ris...,
Why are beta blockers better at t...
183  cards
Cardio: Digoxin, Milrinone, and Nesiritide
What is the mechanism of digoxin,
Other than systolic heart failure...,
_____________ is an indicator of ...
17  cards
Cardio: ACE, ARBs, Aliskiren
Renin is produced stored and rele...,
Explain the action of angiotensin...,
Angiotensin ii acts on the ______...
12  cards
Cardio: Calcium Channel Blockers
What kind of channel is the l typ...,
True or false all l type channels...,
The dihydropyridine channels end ...
19  cards
Cardio: Primary Hypertension and Hypertensive Emergency
Two antihypertensive drugs are us...,
Which three agents are recommende...,
Ccbs and thiazides are particular...
15  cards
Cardio: Class IV Antiarrhythmics
What is the basic function of cla...,
What type of calcium channels do ...,
What are the classic class iv drugs
7  cards
Cardio: Class III Antiarrhythmics
The potassium current is found in...,
What is the mechanism of class ii...,
The class iii antiarrhythmics uni...
12  cards
Cardio: Class II Antiarrhythmics
What does sympathetic innervation...,
Sympathetic innervation causes th...,
What is the key role of beta bloc...
7  cards
Cardio: Class I Antiarrhythmics
What is the name of the cardiac a...,
The class i drugs target the ____...,
The class i anti arrhythmics have...
24  cards
Cardio: Class V Antiarrhythmics
How does digoxin exert antiarrhyt...,
What kind of arrhythmias can digo...,
What unique problem can magnesium...
10  cards
Cardio: Statins
Cholesterol is packaged into chyl...,
What is on the outside of chylomi...,
___________ are on the surface of...
20  cards
Cardio: Cholestyramine, Ezetimibe
Cholestyramine is a _____________,
Explain the bile circuit,
What is an undesirable effect tha...
8  cards
Cardio: Fibrates, Niacin
The main triglyceride carrying mo...,
What drug works by upregulating l...,
After stimulating lipoprotein lip...
9  cards
Cardio: Nitrates
Nitric oxide activates __________...,
What does increased level of cgmp...,
True or false nitrates primarily ...
14  cards
Autonomic Drugs
What drug inhibits vmat,
Labetalol is used in what population,
Phentolamine is used to treat ___...
76  cards
Neuro Drugs
Most of the effects of opioids ar...,
Pramipexole is a _____________,
What activates l dopa
192  cards
Autonomics: Muscarinic Antagonists
Parkinsons results from decreased...,
What two muscarinic antagonist ca...,
_____________ an antimuscarinic c...
15  cards
Autonomics: Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
What long term drug is used to tr...,
What three acetylcholinesterase i...,
Pralidoxime binds to organophosph...
9  cards
Autonomics: Cholinomemetics
What cholinergic receptors does c...,
Where do m2 muscarinic channels a...,
In what circumstances do you admi...
10  cards
Neuro: Valproate, Lamotrigine, Topiramate, Levetiracetam
The broad spectrum antiepileptics...,
What condition is characterized b...,
By what mechanisms does valproate...
10  cards
Neuro: Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Gapapentin, Tiagabine, Vigabatrin
Many narrow spectrum anti epilept...,
Carbamazepine in addition to bein...,
What kind of seizures can carbama...
12  cards
Endo: Diabetes Medications
Beta cells produce insulin in res...,
The most potent stimulator of ins...,
Glucose increases _________ in be...
54  cards

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sketchy pharm

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