This class was created by Brainscape user Cody Prentice. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Blood - Mace
What is the life time in blood fo...,
Type a blood can safely donate rb...,
What is the life time in blood fo...
121  cards
Hematopathology - Schoenwald
Anemia is a ______ in rbc count a...,
Name 3 mechanisms of anemia,
What is a reticulocyte
54  cards
Integumentary (Slides 1-19 Exam 1)
What two things is the integument...,
What is the hypodermis,
What two layers make up the skin
34  cards
Hematopathology - Wright
What are the main types of cbcs y...,
What values will you see on a cbc...,
What is a bone marrow aspiration
105  cards
Bone - Mace (Exam 2)
What are the types are supporting...,
What are the types of bones osseo...,
What cartilage is made of dense r...
107  cards
Muscle Group Activity Questions (Exam 2)
Which of the following tissues co...,
What is the correct order of musc...,
Connective tissue that wraps arou...
27  cards
MSK System - Schoenwald (Exam 2)
Osteoporosis is caused by increas...,
What are the 2 types of primary o...,
Mc bones fractured in primary ost...
49  cards
Muscle Tissue - Mace: exam 2
What type of muscle has striations,
What type of muscle is unbranched,
What type of muscle is multinucle...
79  cards
Exam 3- Digestion
What are the functions of the dig...,
Mastication chewing churning dena...,
What are the accessory organs for...
67  cards
Exam 3 - urinary mace
What are the 5 functions of the u...,
Renal corpuscle is made up of wha...,
Juxtaglomerular apparatus is comp...
43  cards
Renal Pathophys Part 1 - Schoeny (exam 3)
Normal urine production per day,
What is azotemia,
3 types of aki
64  cards
Nutrition- Mace
The hypothalamus secretes _______...,
Adipocytes secrete ________ which...,
The stomach releases ________ whi...
22  cards
Renal Pathophys Part 2 Schoeny Exam 3
The most common cause of asymptom...,
What other 2 diseases is iga neph...,
What are the pathological finding...
25  cards
nutrient conditions associated with excess and deficiencies
Carbohydrate excess causes what,
Carbohydrate deficiencies cause what,
Lipid excess causes what
48  cards
Reproductive Mace
What are the two functions of the...,
Where does fertilization occur,
If tdf testis determining factor ...
74  cards
Acid/Base Mace
Is reabsorption of filtered hco3 ...,
In the pct for every hco3 that is...,
Which cells in the nephron loop p...
18  cards

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rrpa pathophysiology ii

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