radiography year 2 diagnostic imaging practice 2 5052

This class was created by Brainscape user Louise Tyler. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (60)

Function of the skull,
Bones of the skull 8,
Function of sutures
15  cards
Anatomy of the brain
Lobes of the brain,
A orbitb sphenoid sinusc temporal...,
A falx cerebrib frontal lobec lat...
34  cards
Anatomy of brain nervous system
Where is grey matter located,
Where is white matter located,
Function of white matter
24  cards
Another name for the pituitary gland,
What does the pituitary do,
Structure of the pituitary gland
23  cards
Brain bleeds and more brain pathologies
What colour is csf,
What does isointense mean,
What is the dura
23  cards
Brain imaging quiz
Which type of haemorrhage can cro...,
T1 mri images would generally sho...,
Which type of scan should first b...
4  cards
Planes of the body
The coronal plane,
The sagittal plane,
The transverse axial plane
6  cards
Supracondylar fracture,
10  cards
Order of the gl tract,
Types of barium studies
33  cards
Abdomen crossword questions
What gas is used in a ct colonoscopy,
The condition of having gallstones,
A white chalky attenuator
26  cards
Circle of Willis
All of the vessels from anterior ...
1  cards
Bone pathology 7/11/22
Bone cells types and function,
What is the periosteum,
Examples of periosteal reactions ...
38  cards
Upper limb 13/01/2023
What are the tendons and ligament...,
Gamekeeper s thumb skier s thumb,
Bennett s fracture
35  cards
Lower limb 13/01/2023
What can be confused with avulsio...,
Avulsions are common where,
Commonly confused is a base of th...
36  cards
Contrast media risk
What are contrast media and what ...,
Positive contrast media,
Negative contrast media
14  cards
The Elbow to include Paediatrics
What is supracondylar fracture,
Radio capitellar line information,
What are the important artery and...
7  cards
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is osteoarthritis,
Pathophysiology of oa,
Signs and symptoms of oa
11  cards
Imaging technology (pixel, voxel, resolution) 13/01/2023
What does radiographic density mean,
What increases radiographic density,
What is contrast technology
41  cards
Pathologies of the respiratory system
Categories of pathology of respir...,
What does atelectasis,
What is the pleural
83  cards
The digestive system
What is the caecum,
What is the hepatic flexure,
What is the splenic flexure
23  cards
Spine part 1 and part 2
Functions of the vertebral column,
Slide 7,
Curves in spine
70  cards
Breast AP with mammography
What are supernumerary nipples,
What is the milk line,
What does atrophy mean
21  cards
Muscles and ligaments of the spine
What are muscles,
What are ligaments and tendons in...,
Anterior longitudinal ligament lo...
14  cards
Exam prep questions
Describe the appearance of extrad...,
Describe the appearance of subdur...,
Describe the appearance bilateral...
22  cards
FL and imaging of the spine
What is a epidural steroid inject...,
How does esi work,
Rare possible complications with esi
18  cards
Mobile imaging
Considerations before going to pe...,
When we get to the patient what d...,
What should you tell the patient
30  cards
Theatre Imaging
Essential features for a c arm,
Orthopaedic case examples,
Non orthopaedic case examples
6  cards
Skull and facial bones
Frontal bone what is it classed a...,
Parietal bone what is it classed ...,
Temporal bone what is it classed ...
27  cards
Covid poning
What is proning
1  cards
Dental imaging
What is the enamel,
What is the dentin,
What is the pulp cavity with nerv...
23  cards
Jaw trauma
Dislocated jaw how would the pati...,
Appearance of dislocated jaw on x...,
Tmj fracture what causes it overview
8  cards
Urinary System, Imaging and pathology
Urinary system function,
Blood supply and drainage of the ...,
What are nephrons
18  cards
Endocrine system
What is the endocrine system func...,
The endocrine feedback system,
Whats exocrine gland
58  cards
What does mrcp mean,
Why do we do mcrp,
What is ercp
13  cards
Female-Male Reproductive system
What is gamete,
The female reproductive system co...,
Female reproductive functions
33  cards
Reproductive System Oncology
Prostate cancer signs and symptoms,
Investigations for prostate cancer,
Slide 14
26  cards
Ultrasound of the Gall Bladder and Biliary Tree
Position of the gall bladder,
Gall bladder sizeshapewall mucosa...,
Slide 7
20  cards
CT Imaging of the Biliary System
Liver typical ct protocol,
Haemangioma overview appearance,
Hepato cellular carcinoma overvie...
10  cards
Formative mock exam questions 40 marks
Q1 describe the difference betwee...,
Q2 with reference to ct describe ...,
2 b give an advantage and disadva...
20  cards
Some useful revision and questions moodle/powerpoint quiz
What does kvp stand for,
What does kvp effect,
The 2 chest radiographs below wer...
14  cards
Vascular revision moodle/powerpoint quiz
What examination is this image ta...
1  cards
Recap quiz (mondays quiz) moodle/powerpoint quiz
How quick can we perform a top to...,
Which of the below is not a disad...,
Label the anatomya dall the parts...
9  cards
Facial bone quiz moodle/powerpoint quiz
How many bones make up the face,
Which process is a part of the fa...,
Name the bone highlighted
12  cards
Skull quiz moodle/powerpoint quiz
How many bones make up the skull,
The bones of the skull are divide...,
Name the bone highlighted
10  cards
Brain pathology quiz
What is the pathology shown here ...,
Which lobe is affected by this pa...,
What pathology is shown here sele...
13  cards
Spine quiz
Spondylolysis answer 1osteoarthri...,
What is the antigen found in 90 o...,
In adults the normal pre dental s...
7  cards
Brain anatomy quiz
What modality is this 1 markselec...,
What lobes are represented by lab...,
Labels 11 and 12 represent a sulc...
20  cards
Circle of Willis quiz
What is the structure labelled a,
What is the structure labelled b,
What is the structure labelled c
6  cards
Vasculature of the body quiz
Name the vessel labelled 1,
Name the vessel labelled 2,
Name the vessel labelled 3
15  cards
Pelvis quiz
Which of the following types of h...,
With regard to proximal femur fra...,
What pelvis projection is this a ...
5  cards
Thoracic Anatomy Quiz
What vertebral level is this imag...,
Which vertebral level is this sli...,
Name the anatomical structure hig...
14  cards
Route of Contrast Media Quiz
If contrast agent is injected int...,
Once the contrast has reached the...,
Once the contrast has reached the...
11  cards
Brain Anatomy Quiz
Which lobe is the structure label...,
What is the structure labelled c,
What is the structure labelled 5 ...
36  cards
Face/skull quiz
To achieve an om30 projection of ...,
What is this findingselect one ao...,
How many fractures select one a3b...
4  cards
Pathology Quiz
Which lobe is affected by this pa...,
The substantia nigra is affected ...,
What pathology is shown here sele...
26  cards
Nervous System Cross-Sectional Anatomy Quiz 1
What is the structure labelled a ...,
Which lobe is the structure label...,
What is the structure labelled c ...
28  cards
Nervous System Cross-Sectional Anatomy Quiz 2
What modality is this 1 markselec...,
What is the structure labelled 1 ...,
Does label 2 or label 3 represent...
24  cards
Chest X-Ray Cardiovascular Anatomy Quiz
Select one aleft main coronary ar...,
Name the structure labelled csele...,
What structure is labelled d sele...
11  cards
Ultrasound of the Biliary tree quiz
Ultrasound is the usual first lin...,
What percentage of the population...,
What percentage of people with ga...
8  cards
I will make everyone full access when I have time (also check out my other radiography flashcards) 18
1  cards

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radiography year 2 diagnostic imaging practice 2 5052

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