questions pratiques de l'université montréal

This class was created by Brainscape user Compte Partagé. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (39)

Facial trauma
What is the most frequent cause o...,
What are the 3 variables that aff...,
4 indications for tracheostomy
54  cards
What is the definition of polymastia,
Define polythelia,
Define amazia
86  cards
How are amides and esters metabol...,
What is the toxic dose of lidocai...,
What is the volume of xylocaine t...
27  cards
0  cards
Http patient presents with radial...,
What is the pathomnemonic sign fo...,
Describe the finklestein test
13  cards
Main (Basics, Exam, Fractures, Dislocations, Fingertip, Tendon)
Most frequently fractured bone of...,
Vascular supply of scaphoid,
Which area of scaphoid has higher...
237  cards
Main (CRPS)
Define crps,
Which other consultants should yo...,
Name and describe the 2 types of ...
30  cards
Main (tendon and nerve injury and transfer)
Qu est ce que la degenerescence w...,
Que sont les bandes de bunger
86  cards
Main (PAR, OA)
Nommer des conditions arthritie s...,
Nommer des conditions arthritique...,
Nommer le principal marqueur gene...
36  cards
Fillers, Botox, Peels et aesthetique non-chirurgicale
Name some technical ways to decre...,
What are the main characteristics...,
What are some signs of forehead a...
57  cards
Reconstruction thorax + abdomen
Combien y a t il de paires de cot...,
Quelles sont les vraies cotes et ...,
Quelles sont les cotes vertebroch...
42  cards
Plaies de pression, Périné, G-U
Which patients are at highest ris...,
True or false pressure sores are ...,
In decreasing order which areas a...
49  cards
Reconstruction membre inférieur
1  cards
Sgap pedicule et longueur possible,
Sgap nerf possible 3,
Sgap entre quels muscles 2 trouve...
73  cards
Aesthetique chirurgicale
0  cards
Brulures, Engelures, TEN/S
What are the 5 guiding principles...,
What are the 3 major predictor of...,
3 mecanismes de transfert d energie
72  cards
Plexus brachial, Compression Nerveuses, Transfers
Name 4 compression sites of the pin,
What is the leasche of henry
15  cards
Classification of congenital nevi,
Classification of malocclusion,
Classification of midface fractures
49  cards
Peau et oncologie cutanée
What are the main functions of th...,
What is the embryological origin ...,
What is the embryological origin ...
244  cards
Tumeurs cranio
0  cards
Nommer 6 facteurs contributifs a ...,
Critere pour dire qu un patient a...,
3  cards
Retaining ligaments of fingers an...,
Deep fascial spaces of hand,
Extensor compart of wrist
94  cards
Cephalométrie, Orthognaties
Long face syndrome caracteristiqu...,
Long face syndrome caracteristiqu...,
Deficit mandibulaire
8  cards
Anomalies vasculaires
Nommer les categories d anomalies...,
Nommer les 3,
Nommer les 2 categories d hemangi...
48  cards
Quelle couche embryonaire forme l...,
Quelle est l origine embryologiqu...,
Nommer lartere qui provient de la...
19  cards
Syndromes pédiatriques
Apert syndrome incidence transmis...,
Apert syndrome features crane orb...,
Decrire le grade 1 de la classifi...
85  cards
Anomalies de l'oreille
Proportion gars fille de la microtie,
Proportion droite gauche bilat po...,
7 facteurs de risque pour microtie
50  cards
Cleft lip and palate
2 facon de corriger un whistle de...,
3 parties du septum,
4 investigations pour vpi
72  cards
Main congénitale
Pollicisation quelle structure de...,
Incidence de la syndactylie,
Decrire la classification de la s...
85  cards
Craniosynostose et fente craniofaciale
Quest ce quune craniosynostose et...,
3 theories de fermeture des sutures
78  cards
Nommer les 2 composantes du drain...,
Expliquer ce qu est la lymphe,
Definir le lymphoedeme
42  cards
Laser safety,
Characteristics of co2 laser chro...,
Mechanism of co2 laser
6  cards
Radiotx and ORN
Qu est ce que l effet photoelectr...,
Decrivez la difference entre la r...,
5 r s de la reponse a la radiation
21  cards
3 phases of wound healing with ti...,
Types of collagen in skin an norm...,
Tensile strength of wound and timing
22  cards
Dressings and VAC
Mechanism of vac,
Contraindications to vac,
Complications of vac
3  cards
ITE Practique
List 4 surgical techniques for fa...,
Name 4 retaining ligaments of fac...,
What is the landmark for ge great...
98  cards
Main (Hand tumors, Hand Infections)
Hpv type 1 2 and 4 are associated...,
List 4 treatment options for warts,
Actinic keratoses is has the risk...
12  cards
Poignet (Fractures, DRUJ, TFCC, SNAC, SLAC, etc)
0  cards
6  cards

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questions pratiques de l'université montréal

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