This class was created by Brainscape user Miles Sanderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (42)

1.1.1 Cell Biology and Histology of Respiratory System
What are the two functional compo...,
Describe the,
Describe the flow of blood from t...
31  cards
1.1.2 Development of the Respiratory System
What is an important symptom asso...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the canalicular period of...
52  cards
1.1.3 Thoracic Wall and Lung Cavities
Where are the regions of the medi...,
Identify the structures,
What is the important
43  cards
1.1.4 Lungs and Mechanics of Breathing
What are the two layers of the pl...,
What is the importance of the ser...,
What can happen if the pleural ca...
40  cards
1.2.1 Mediastinum
Which two veins come together occ...,
Describe the subdivisions of the ...,
When the esophagus enters the sup...
32  cards
1.2.2 Mechanics of Ventilation
What is ventilation,
What is alveolo capillary diffusion,
What is blood gas transport
41  cards
1.2.3 Chest X-Ray Basics
What lobe is this highlighting,
How would you describe the size o...,
Where are all the parts of the he...
32  cards
1.3.1 Mechanism of Ventilation 2
What is the formula for total air...,
What is important about the fev1 ...,
For a patient with increased airw...
29  cards
1.3.2 Vertebral Column
At what cervical vertebrae can yo...,
C1 and c2 are know as what,
What is the role of the vertebral...
44  cards
1.3.3 Mechanism of Gas Exchange
What is pvo2,
What causes the lag demarcated by...,
What must be subtracted from wet ...
43  cards
1.4.1 Normal and Abnormal Respiratory Exam
When inspecting a patient during ...,
What are rales an rhonchi,
What are two important features t...
16  cards
2.1.1 Acute Lung Injury
What are some of the complication...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are 2 factors that increase ...
41  cards
2.1.2 Lung Cancer
When is the peak incidence of lun...,
What is the material stained red,
Use ttf 1
48  cards
2.1.3 Infectious Disease of the Lung
How could you distinguish between...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is this an image of
48  cards
2.2.1 Restrictive Pulmonary Diseases
What is the treatment for sarcoid...,
What are the lower set of arrows ...,
What are some possible pulmonary ...
40  cards
2.2.2 Evaluating Pulmonary Function Tests
Label this graph,
What type of curve would a fixed ...,
A person with what kind of diseas...
26  cards
2.2.3 Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Why does pulmonary arterial hyper...,
What is the role of prostacyclin ...,
Where are the main regions that e...
32  cards
Pulm Values to Memorize
Fev1 fvc,
Vd vt,
Rv tlc
16  cards
2.3.1 Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
What are each of the symbols and ...,
What are some of the changes that...,
What are measure on a pft is redu...
37  cards
2.3.2 Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport
In what two forms is oxygen trans...,
What is equation for dissolved o2,
Where is most of the bicarbonate ...
21  cards
2.3.3 Acid-Base Balance
Describe metabolic acidosis,
What is the difference between re...,
Describe metabolic acidosis with ...
26  cards
2.4.1 Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
What is the expected change in ph...,
What are causes of anion gap,
What is the primary
30  cards
2.4.2 MRI and CT Imaging
What are the lung anatomy keys to...,
What is this,
What is this an image of
35  cards
2.4.3 Age/Gender Differences in CP Function
What might be wrong with mr green,
What is the common pathophys behi...,
What is diastolic hf
26  cards
2.5.1 Treatment of Pulmonary Disorders
When should,
What are some disadvantages of in...,
The transactivation of glucocorti...
19  cards
2.5.2 Introduction to Echocardiography
What are some types of stress ech...,
In doppler echocardiography if th...,
What is this doppler showing
23  cards
2.5.3 CT Imaging of Coronary Vessels
What is the leading cause of deat...,
What is this an image of,
What is the conventional method o...
25  cards
What is the alveolar gas equation,
What is the equation for air insp...,
What is the equation for total bl...
25  cards
First Aid and Pathoma Supplemental Review
What is rhinitis,
What is allergic rhinitis and wha...,
What are nasal polyps and what ca...
59  cards
3.1.1 Smoking Cessation
Children exposed to second hand s...,
What are some of the perceived be...,
If someone isnt successful quitti...
42  cards
3.1.2 Regulation of Ventilation
What type of cells control the ra...,
How would increasing co2 levels a...,
How will increasing co2 in the in...
29  cards
3.1.3 Ventilation-Perfusion Match
How can decreased compliance affe...,
How does va q change in altering ...,
What can occur if a section of lu...
28  cards
Pulmonary Drugs
What is the class and mechanism o...,
What are the indications and adve...,
What are the indications and adve...
26  cards
3.2.1 Integrated CV-Pulmonary Function
Are you in medical school
1  cards
3.2.2 Sleep Apnea
What are some of the symptoms of ...,
What does the graph represent
36  cards
3.2.3 Surfactant Structure - Function
How can a defect in,
Phosphatidyl ethanola,
Surfactant is secreted from the t...
29  cards
Pathoma - Cancer
What is the characteristic histol...,
What is the characteristic histol...,
What is the characteristic histol...
8  cards
BRS Physiology Review - Supplemental
What is the equation for deadspace,
What is the equation for alveolar...,
What are the most important muscl...
9  cards
3.3.1 Hypoxia
What is the pathway for o2 throug...,
What are the normal sea level gas...,
What is an example of low inspired
22  cards
3.3.2 Anatomy Review
The edges of the fossa ovalis is ...,
What is the relationship of the i...,
What is polythelia polymastia and...
69  cards
3.3.3 Pathology Review
0  cards
High Yield
What are the characteristics of ipf,
What are the characteristics of coop,
Characteristics of silicosis
59  cards

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