This class was created by Brainscape user Curtis and Harold project for everyone. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Neck and Head
0  cards
On what factor is the decision to...,
Is the thyroid gland removed in a...,
Is a tracheostomy tube required f...
21  cards
Laser Surgery
What is a laser,
How does a laser differ from ordi...,
What are the three components of ...
33  cards
Oropharyngeal Surgery
What are the most common indicati...,
What are the potential complicati...,
What type of endotracheal tube is...
26  cards
Orthodontic/Dental Surgery
List two indications for tmj arth...,
For what reasons would a tmj temp...,
What are some possible complicati...
10  cards
What are the most common preopera...,
What is the usual preoperative vo...,
What electrolyte disorder s would...
14  cards
Why should nasal airways be avoid...,
Name two patient populations in w...,
An adult patient arrives for a to...
14  cards
What are the four types of burns,
How are burns classified,
How does the rule of nines alloca...
14  cards
What are the primary functions of...,
What is the formula for bmi,
What is the formula for ideal bod...
29  cards
Liver Transplant
What is hepatopulmonary syndrome,
A patient with aortic stenosis a ...,
Why is rapid sequence induction i...
13  cards
Renal Transplant
What are the most common diagnose...,
What patient populations present ...,
What is the most common cause of ...
10  cards
Electroconvulsive Therapy
What is electroconvulsive therapy...,
What is the most common complicat...,
What psychiatric disorders is ect...
8  cards
Interventional Radiology
List disorders in which intervent...,
Interventional neuroradiology pro...,
List common side effects experien...
5  cards
How does an mri scanner work,
How do the strong magnetic fields...,
The american college of radiology...
12  cards
When would the use of a rigid bro...,
List situations in which a flexib...,
For what disorders symptoms must ...
18  cards
Patients with bladder tumors pres...,
List common preoperative diagnose...,
How is a patient positioned for a...
8  cards
Electrophysiology Procedures
Do volatile anesthetics and propo...,
Should a patient s antidysrhythmi...,
Once aberrant conduction pathways...
3  cards
What are the most common gastroin...,
What are the anesthetic implicati...,
Why is anesthesia frequently invo...
8  cards
To what family of viruses does hi...,
With relation to hiv what does th...,
What are the potential cardiac co...
16  cards
What is the pathologic process th...,
What test is diagnostic of alzhei...,
What is the incidence of alzhemie...
11  cards
Carcinoid Syndrome
What are the cardiac manifestatio...,
How can carcinoid syndrome mimic ...,
What medications relieve the diar...
11  cards
What is disseminated intravascula...,
Why does dic often result in blee...,
What are some known causes of dic
7  cards
What is hemophilia b,
How does the severity course of i...,
What are the two treatment regime...
13  cards
What is an insulinoma,
What are the principal manifestat...,
What is the primary treatment for...
5  cards
What is systemic lupus erythematosus,
What are the most common symptoms...,
What patients exhibit the highest...
8  cards
Malignant Hyperthermia
What is malignant hyperthermia,
How does malignant hyperthermia o...,
What is the mortality rate of mal...
30  cards
Muscular Dystrophy
What is the pathophysiology of du...,
What are the physical signs and s...,
What is the incidence of duchenne...
11  cards
What are porphyrias,
What is considered to be the most...,
What is the pathophysiologic char...
9  cards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is the underlying pathology ...,
What symptoms characterize rheuma...,
What are the treatment options fo...
8  cards

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