principles of flight

This class was created by Brainscape user Waikato Aero Club. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

State the international system si...,
State the derivation of the si un...,
State the units of measurement fo...
20  cards
The Atmosphere
The density or mass of air at sea...,
Air density which is vital to aer...,
In aviation atmospheric pressure ...
15  cards
Basic Aerodynamic Theory
The prevailing pressure at any po...,
When moving air is brought comple...,
The atmospheric conditions existi...
24  cards
With respect to the cl curve desc...,
With respect to the cl curve desc...,
Identify the factors affecting li...
10  cards
Explain skin friction drag and st...,
State the drag formula and the th...,
Identify and explain the componen...
18  cards
Lift Augmentation
22124 explain the basic principle...,
22122 explain the basic purpose o...,
22126 explain the effects of lowe...
9  cards
Flight Controls
22142 identify the three aircraft...,
22144 explain how control in pitc...,
22146 identify and explain a the ...
14  cards
Straight and Level Flight
22182 explain the four forces act...,
22184 for conventional aeroplane ...,
22184 for conventional aeroplane ...
10  cards
Stalling and Spinning
22162 explain the stalled conditi...,
22164 explain basic stall speed a...,
22166 describe typical symptoms a...
20  cards
22222 explain how the required tu...,
22224 define load factor,
22226 describe how load factor in...
13  cards
Climbing and Descending
22202 identify the forces acting ...,
22204 given typical power require...,
22204 given typical power require...
10  cards
Range and Endurance
22302 define specific air range s...,
22304 state the general condition...,
22306 explain the airframe and en...
5  cards
Asymmetric Flight
22282 explain the consideration i...,
22284 explain the factors affecti...,
22286 define critical engine
6  cards
22242 define blade face,
22244 describe the forces acting ...,
22246 explain how propeller pitch...
16  cards
22262 explain static stability an...,
22264 differentiate between stabi...,
22266 define longitudinal stabili...
15  cards
22322 define a take off distance ...,
22322 define b take off distance ...,
22322 define c take off run avail...
11  cards

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principles of flight

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