This class was created by Brainscape user Elizabeth Watson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

18.05.02 Oogenesis, spermatogenesis, fertilisation
0  cards
18.05.16 Prenatal trials and projects
What were the objectives of the e...,
What was the recruitment criteria...,
Describe the each study design
3  cards
18.05.13 Summary of ultrasound findings and chromsome abnormalities
What are the three major groups o...,
What are the aims of first trimes...,
What is the single most powerful ...
31  cards
18.05.01 Prenatal sampling and considerations
What are some properties of cell ...,
What is the goal of prenatal testing,
What factors will influence the d...
34  cards
18.05.03 Triploidy and molar pregnancy
Give a brief overview of triploidy,
What is type i triploidy diandry,
What proportion of triploidy even...
33  cards
18.05.12 Cytogenetics of miscarriage
What is the estimated of concepti...,
What is the estimated of 3 day em...,
How is miscarriage defined
29  cards
18.05.10 Application of NGS for prenatal diagnosis
What is the incidence of chromoso...,
What of pregnancies have a foetal...,
What are the existing prenatal te...
16  cards
18.05.04 Zygosity and vanishing twins
Define zygosity
1  cards
18.05.05 QF-PCR
What is qf pcr,
What are strs how are they utilit...,
What are the stages of qf pcr set up
30  cards
18.05.11 PGD
What is preimplantation genetic t...,
What are the two broad categories...,
What is the purpose of pgd
20  cards
18.05.08 Maternal serum screening and Down syndrome screening
Give a definition of screening,
What is the aim of the nhs foetal...,
What is the associated between ad...
25  cards
18.05.06 Prenatal arrays
What is the aim of implementing m...,
When should microarray calls be r...,
What is the rationale behind the ...
17  cards

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prenatal diagnosis

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