This class was created by Brainscape user Melissa Ward. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Case Unit 4: Disease Models
What does crispr stand for,
What is cas9,
What is sp in relation to crispr
29  cards
Case Unit 5: Deniers and Ethics
What is the declaration of helsinki,
What are ethics,
What are the nuremberg trials
12  cards
Case Unit 6: Diagnostics
What is the specificity of a diag...,
How is specificity calculated,
What is the sensitivity of a diag...
20  cards
Case Unit 7: Hypothesis free science
What is hypothesis free science,
How might a hypothesis be generated,
What is an assay
12  cards
Case Unit 1: Cholera
What is a case report,
Advantages of a case report,
Disadvantages of a case report
26  cards
Case Unit 2: CML and Imatinib
What are observational studies an...,
Example of an observational study...,
Example of how knowledge of a dis...
20  cards
Case Unit 3: Genomics
What is linkage analysis,
Why is linkage analysis useful,
What is a marker gene
9  cards
Stata Lecture 1
What are the two types of quantit...,
What does standard deviation mean,
What is another term for the 50th...
25  cards
Stata Lecture 2
Within how many standard deviatio...,
How can you calculate the 95 rang...,
What is the definition for popula...
17  cards
Stata Lecture 3
What 3 things must you consider w...,
What is the difference between in...,
What are 3 possible reasons for i...
18  cards
Stata Lecture 4
How is proportion calculated for ...,
How is proportion represented,
What are the assumptions for calc...
20  cards
Stata Lecture 5
Define correlation,
Two ways by which correlation can...,
What does a correlation coefficie...
15  cards
Stata Lecture 6
What are reference standard tests,
What is sensitivity,
What is specificity
13  cards

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