This class was created by Brainscape user Mitchell ONeill. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Upper Extremity Muscles
Abductor digiti minimi,
Abductor pollicis brevis,
Abductor pollicis longus
46  cards
Upper Extremity Joint movements
Common extensor tendon,
Common flexor tendon,
Elbow extension
16  cards
Upper Extremity MSK
4 structures that can compress th...,
Ac joint separation types,
Anatomic snuffbox boarders
100  cards
Upper Extremity PNS
Median nerve,
Ulnar nerve course,
Guyons canal classification
34  cards
Background/Physical Modalities/Aging
66  cards
Percentage of strokes that are is...,
Types of ischemic stroke,
Hunt and hess scale
104  cards
Where is the center of gravity lo...,
When is center of gravity highest,
What are the phases of the gait c...
20  cards
Traumatic Brain Injury
Three types of primary injury,
Two most common site of brain con...
56  cards
Lower Extremity Muscles
Psoas major,
Psoas minor
20  cards
Lower Extremity Joint Movements
Hip flexion,
Hip extensors,
Main hip adductors
21  cards
5 risk factors that qualify a pat...,
About what percentage of sci pati...,
At what level does the spinal cor...
145  cards
EMG Muscle Innervations
66  cards
Lower Extremity MSK
What is the strongest ligament in...,
What provides blood supply to,
What inserts on the asis
127  cards
Spine MSK/Pain
Steroid that is more likely to ca...,
What type of allergy can interfer...,
What are the natural curves of th...
95  cards
What is pannus,
What type of exercises should be ...,
Deformity of hand and wrist seen ...
45  cards
At what age does the conduction v...,
Describe the sunderland classific...,
How does axonal degeneration diff...
68  cards
Lower Extremity PNS
Muscles innervated by medial plan...,
Common cause of femoral neuropathy,
What does the saphenous nerve inn...
8  cards
General Rehab
Bracing treatment for genu recurv...,
Equation for vo2 max,
Equation for cardiac oxygen consu...
21  cards
Pediatric PMR
At what age do you expect supress...,
At what age do you expect supress...,
What chromosomal syndrome present...
95  cards
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Most common cause of ue amputation,
Most common cause of le amputation,
Most common suspension system for...
71  cards
AAPMR Question Bank Pearls
What is the treatment for grade i...,
At what level is a cervical epidu...,
Which model of rehabilitation uti...
53  cards

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  • 2 decks
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Decks: Upper Extremity Muscle Innervations, Lower Extremity Innervations, And more!
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