pharmacy year 2 semester 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Irum Islam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Patient: Channels, receptors and enzymes as drug targets
Define pharmacokinetics,
Define pharmacotherapeutics,
Define pharmacodynamics
39  cards
H NMR Chemical shifts
Chemical shift aromatic arh,
Chemical shift amino r nh2,
Chemical shift vinylic r2c ch2
18  cards
Alkyl rch3,
Alkyl rch2r,
Alkyl rchr2
11  cards
Medicine - Infared Spectroscopy
Middle ir range and use,
Far ir range and use,
Ir spectra y axis and x axis
59  cards
Medicine - Chromatographic Techniques
Uses of chromatography,
Common features of chromatography,
What is meant by development when...
31  cards
Out of uv vs fluorescence and ms ...,
Out of uv vs fluorescence and ms ...,
Out of uv vs fluorescence and ms ...
76  cards
Drug Design - Finding A Lead
If you wanted to know the structu...,
How are lead candidates found,
Name 3 main groups of compounds w...
28  cards
Drug Design - Optimising Binding Interactions
How can lead compounds from the s...,
Why would one want to optimise bi...,
Name some strategies of optimisin...
19  cards
Medicine -Enzyme Inhibitors 1
What is kcat,
How to reversible enzyme inhibito...,
Name some pharmaceutical drawback...
53  cards
Medicine - Enzyme Inhibitors 2 - Suicide Inactivators And Transition State Analogies
Describe the use of 5 flourouraci...,
Define suicide inactivator,
What is the mode of interactions ...
29  cards
Extraction And Sample Preparation Methods
Outline 3 main steps of sample ex...,
Describe percolation,
Describe continuous hot extraction
61  cards
Flourescence Spectroscopy
Are florescence spectra of molecu...,
Y axis and x axis of fluorescence...,
Do you need to differ things from...
51  cards
Unfinished - NMR Spectroscopy
What is nmr based on,
Name the two types of nmr with th...,
What does nmr measure
6  cards
Patient: DAB Physiol Lect 1: CVS review
Describe atrial systole,
Describe ventricular contraction,
When is atrial systole eliminated...
9  cards
Medicine: BP&Pharmaceutical Analysis
Name 4 sources of impurities,
Name the 10 important characteris...,
The pharmacopoeias and compendia ...
29  cards
Public: Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Briefly describe ehrilchs influen...,
Use of neosalvarsan,
Describe the mechanism of action ...
14  cards
Patient: Alpha Adrenoceptors
Two branches of the autonomic ner...,
Adrenal medulla,
Adenoreceptors modulate the fight...
42  cards
Public: Microbial Interactions with Humans in health and disease
Define infection,
Define disease,
Describe the microbiota of the skin
18  cards
Medicine: EMR and UV-Vis Spectrophotometery
What tends to shift absorption to...,
How to calculate the concentratio...,
What is emission
49  cards
Patient: Beta Adrenoceptors
Describe the binding when beta1 a...,
Describe the functional response ...,
Describe the functional response ...
18  cards
Medicine: Medicinal Chemistry and the drug development process
What is medicinal chemistry,
Name some drug targets,
Name some ways leads are discover...
43  cards
Public: The microbiota of a few organ systems
What does the gastrointestinal tr...,
What are the functions of the gas...,
How many microbial cells are in t...
53  cards
Patient: Cholinergic drugs
Difference between muscarinic and...,
Name 3 sites of action for nicoti...,
Name 3 sites of action for muscar...
39  cards
Public: Beta Lactam antibiotics and Vancomycin
Give the bacterial cell wall func...,
Describe the cell walls of norcar...,
What is the major structural comp...
30  cards
Public: Innate Immunity
Give 2 instances when the immune ...,
Give 2 instances when the immune ...,
Describe the innate immune system
36  cards
Medicine: Mass spectrometry - review and make questions shorter by adding more questions
Define mass spectrometry,
Applications of mass spectrometry,
Main principles of mass spectrometry
36  cards
Patient - Excitable Cells
Describe how the heart works with...,
Give examples of external modulat...,
Why is the cardiac function able ...
41  cards
Patient - ECG
Which channels when opened cause ...,
Describe ca2 induced ca2 release,
Describe how troponin can be a si...
29  cards
Medicine - Measurement and Data Reliability
Name 5 steps in drug analysis,
5 steps of analysing a sample,
Ways to present and handle analyt...
37  cards
Patient - Haemodynamics(unfinished)
Cardiac output depends on what 2 ...,
What drives filling of ventricles...
32  cards
Pharmacist: Legislative System
Name the 4 organisations that gov...,
Name the 2 types of law,
Describe what criminal law deals ...
28  cards
Patient: Alpha Adrenoceptors COPY
Two branches of the autonomic ner...,
Adrenal medulla,
Adenoreceptors modulate the fight...
42  cards

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pharmacy year 2 semester 1

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