This class was created by Brainscape user Sherbina Pakirathan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (51)

Organisation Of The Nervous System
What is the nervous system,
What does the somatic sensory neu...,
What does the visceral sensory ne...
49  cards
CNS structure and functions
What percentage of the body s oxy...,
What percentage of the body s glu...,
What is the csf
50  cards
neuronal signalling in the context of CNS disorders
What does the axon do,
What does the cell body do,
What does the axon terminal do
10  cards
pahthophysiology and pharmacology of schizophrenia
What are the positive symptoms of...,
What are the negative symptoms of...,
What can influence the risk
27  cards
anxiety and insomnia: pathophysiology and pharmacology
What is eustress,
What is physiological stress,
What is anxiety
57  cards
depression pathophysiology
What are affective disorders,
What two symptoms must one have t...,
What symptoms must one have at le...
17  cards
depression pharmacological treatment
What 2 receptors do the most effe...,
Where are 5ht cell bodies contain...,
Where are na cell bodies containe...
44  cards
pharmacological principles of addiction
What does lethality mean,
What does dsmv mean,
What is the dsmv used for
23  cards
Parkinson pathophysiology and pharmacology
What age group does parkinson s d...,
What is young onset parkinson s d...,
What is the average life expectan...
26  cards
dementia pathophysiology and pharmacology
What is dementia,
What is the pathology of dementia...,
What age group are mainly affecte...
31  cards
epilepsy pathophysiology and pharmacology
What is epilepsy,
What are seizures,
What is ictogenesis
38  cards
occular disease pathophysiology
What five conditions cause 80 of ...,
People with vision impairment are...,
Where are tears stored before you...
78  cards
ADHD pathophysiology and pharmacology
What does adhd stand for,
What category of disorders if adh...,
What are the 3 main types of adhd
17  cards
pain mechanism 1
What is pain,
Three systems that produce pain,
What does the sensory system do
35  cards
pain mechanis 2
What is congenital analgesia,
What is erythromelalgia,
What is peripheral sensitisation
19  cards
pharmacology of pain: opioids
What are the 4 stages in treating...,
How do opioids work,
What class of opioids are morphin...
26  cards
Pharmacology of Pain: Non-opioids
What is the classification of ant...,
What are prostaglandins synthesis...,
What do prostaglandins cause
35  cards
Pharmacology of Pain: Local anaesthetics
What do local anaesthetics do,
Is the process of anaesthesia by ...,
What are the three major classifi...
40  cards
pain associated with the head
What is orofacial pain,
What are the painful conditions o...,
What is the effect of injury to t...
38  cards
Glucose, Glucagon and Diabetes
What is glucose stored as,
Where are the 2 main sites for gl...,
What is glucose used for in cells
76  cards
Type 1 Diabetes
What is type 1 diabetes,
How does urine help with the diag...,
What happens to vision in type 1 ...
33  cards
Type 2 diabetets
What is type 2 diabetes,
How do we diagnose type 2 diabetes,
What education courses are availa...
32  cards
Diabetes in Paeds
What is the fasting glucose of th...,
What is the plasma glucose 2 hour...,
What is used in the oral glucose ...
13  cards
Monitoring in Diabetes
What are the three main treatment...,
What is the target hba1c for diab...
2  cards
AVP, Oxytocin, Growth hormones and Pituitary
What is the master gland of the e...,
What does the pituitary gland do,
What drives the pituitary gland
41  cards
HPA axis and Adrenal Hormones
What are the 2 main adrenal stero...,
What does aldosterone do,
What happens with low aldosterone...
37  cards
Thyroid Hormone - Thyroid Gland
What cells are responsible for th...,
Why is iodine important in the diet,
What amino acid are thyroid hormo...
37  cards
Hyper and Hypothyroidism
What is hypothyroidism,
What are the thyroid hormones ess...,
How is hypothyroidism classified
33  cards
Pathophysiology of Bone and Osteoarthritis
What is the skeleton made up of f...,
What is the process of bone growt...,
What is the skeletal cartilage su...
42  cards
Pathophysiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is rheumatoid arthritis,
What joints are affected 1st,
What is felt and seen at the affe...
37  cards
Pathophysiology of gout and hyperuricaemia
What is hyperuricaemia,
What two things cause hyperuricaemia,
What is gout
28  cards
Pathophysiology of Bone Disorders and Osteoporosis
What happens to bones as we age,
What is wolff s law,
How does the parathyroid hormone ...
22  cards
Urinary Bladder, Microturition and Infections
What is the function of the bladder,
Where is the bladder situated whe...,
Where is the bladder situated whe...
48  cards
Male Sex Hormones
What is testosterone,
Where is testosterone synthesised,
What is testosterone responsible for
33  cards
Female Sex Hormones
What causes the gonadal cortex to...,
What effect does a lack of testos...,
What effect does an absence of an...
39  cards
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
What does the prostate gland do,
What is the role of citric acid i...,
What is the role of g proteolytic...
35  cards
erectile dysfunction
What is erectile dysfunction,
What is the difference between an...,
What are the 5 phases of an erection
16  cards
Treatment of Poisoning
What are the different management...,
How does activated charcoal work,
What is the dose of charcoal
17  cards
migraine pharmaceutical care
What other med should you offer,
If the person has tried 2 triptan...,
If the person has tried 2 triptan...
4  cards
pharmaceutical care of pain
Associations with abdominal pain,
Initial agents of neuropathic pain
2  cards
Oral quick relief formulations
Advantages of taking medicines by...,
Disadvantages of taking medicines...,
Advantages of oromucosal drug del...
30  cards
Is transcutaneous local or systemic,
Is transdermal local or systemic,
Durogesic active drug
29  cards
What is the challenge with the ge...,
What is the challenge with patien...,
What is the challenge with paedia...
3  cards
antibody and protein therapeutics
What is meant by the term biologi...,
In biological therapy what intera...,
Which medications have larger com...
40  cards
gels creams and ointments
What is a gel,
What is swelling constrained by,
What is swelling due to
44  cards
Name cs dmards classical synthetic,
Name b dmards biologic,
Name ts dmards targeted
8  cards
Describe anti tnf agent infliximab,
Describe anti tbf agent etanercept,
Describe anti tnf agent adalimumab
7  cards
protein instabilities; protein formualtions
What is a protein stabilised by,
What can changes in non covalent ...,
Any changes in the protein enviro...
19  cards
depot injections
Long acting injectables have what...,
Do long acting injectables have g...,
Do long acting injectables have e...
7  cards
determinants of health
What is health,
What does the definition of healt...,
The range of factors that combine...
14  cards
health education: health belief model
What is health education,
What is public health concerned with,
What are the two broad types of h...
8  cards

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pharmacy stage 3

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