This class was created by Brainscape user Madison Olson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

Any disease that comes on suddenl...,
Disease that develops gradually o...,
Doctor names an illness is called...
26  cards
Equal parts of each,
Apply to affected area s,
Before meals or food
79  cards
Routes of Administration
Oral medication adults,
Oral medication children or pets,
11  cards
Drugs 1-60
60  cards
Standards of Practice for Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacists
Standard 1,
Standard 2,
Standard 3
21  cards
ACP Code of Ethics Document
The foundation for professional b...,
How many sections are in the pati...,
How many sections are in the soci...
16  cards
Ethics Terminology - Powerpoint
What are ethics,
According to the acp pharmacists ...,
Under the code of ethics and the ...
12  cards
Standards for the Operation of Licensed Pharmacies
Ensure compliance with laws gover...,
Preserve independence of licensee...,
Staff pharmacy adequately
13  cards
Professional Competencies for Canadian Pharmacy Tech. at Entry to Practice
What does bpmh mean,
A preventable even that may cause...,
An event that could have resulted...
14  cards
Drugs 61-80
Zyban wellbutrin
20  cards
Drugs 81-100
Betaderm prevex b ectosone
20  cards
Drugs 101-120
20  cards
What is canadas national health i...,
What are the criteria that a prov...,
What is an emr
123  cards
What are extemporaneous compounds,
What are bulk compounds,
What must adhere to standards
127  cards
Drugs 121-140
20  cards
Drugs 141-160
Catapres dixarit,
Macrobid macrodantin
20  cards
Pharmacology - Intro
__________is the study of how dru...,
What can drugs be used for,
All drugs in general use rely on ...
26  cards
Pharmacology - Gastro
A group of organs that process fo...,
Break down of large food molecule...,
Uptake of essential nutrients int...
82  cards
Drugs 161-180
Duragesic patch,
20  cards
Drugs 181-200
20  cards
Pharmacology - Cardio
What are the three main types of ...,
What is the risk if a person has ...,
What is the most dangerous type o...
64  cards
Pharmacology - Respiratory
_______ is an inflammatory disord...,
Copd encompasses two major diseases,
_______ is irreversible
63  cards
Pharmacology - Psychotic Disorders
_________is a condition associate...,
There are four major types of anx...,
Treatment of anxiety is done by m...
102  cards
Pharmacology - Urinary
The kidneys are __________organs,
What is another name for the blad...,
Large volumes of fluid can be col...
83  cards
Microbiology is the study of very...,
_______ have a nucleus no cell wall,
________do not have a nucleus but...
41  cards
Pharmacology - Bacteria
__________are a major class of na...,
________are single celled organis...,
_______bacteria have a more subst...
73  cards
Pharmacology - Fungi + Viruses
_________are single celled organi...,
Some antibiotics may cause fungal...,
_________prevent the synthesis of...
43  cards
Pharmacology - Endocrine
___________encompasses the produc...,
_________regulate metabolism grow...,
Pineal gland
65  cards
Pharmacology - Cancer
When normal cellular growth contr...,
What is another name for cancer,
What is a benign tumor
58  cards
Pharmacology - Diabetes
There are four diagnostic test th...,
Normal fasting blood glucose leve...,
There are three types of diabetes
20  cards
Pharmacology - Topicals, Ophthalmics, and Otics
The skin is the major organ and a...,
There are two types of glands in ...,
What gland secrete sebum
36  cards
Pharmacology - Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrition, etc
_____ are organic natural substan...,
Vitamins are usually ______,
________ is a chemical other that...
90  cards
Intro to Pharmacy - HISTORY
The first hospital pharmacist,
The father of modern medicine,
Prayers and sacrifices to the god...
8  cards
Institutional Drugs
44  cards

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pharmacy intro

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