This class was created by Brainscape user Enoch Koo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Lecture 1: Pharmacotherapeutics
What age range is the most diffic...,
What is the ideal administration ...,
When are otc cold meds not recomm...
15  cards
Lecture 2: Perinatal Care
When is a comprehensive newborn a...,
What is a pre term baby,
What is a late term near term bab...
124  cards
Lecture 3: Newborn Exam
What is the purpose of prenatal v...,
What are the 4 components of newb...,
What 3 things make up newborn his...
85  cards
Lecture 4: Congenital Infections
What characterizes a congenital i...,
What are the torch infections,
What kind of pathogen is toxoplas...
82  cards
Lecture 5: Congenital Heart Defects
Acyanotic defects,
Cyanotic defects,
What kind of shunt do asd pda and...
72  cards
Lecture 6: Congenital Disorders
What is neonatal abstinence syndrome,
How do we screen for maternal sub...,
How is nas scored
59  cards
Newborn Assessment
Overall exam,
General assessment inspect infant...,
General assessment observe
25  cards
Lecture 7: Newborn Nutrition
What is colostrum,
How long should you be breasteedi...,
How quickly do you want to place ...
35  cards
Lecture 8: Pulm and Ophthalmology
What is the leading cause of infa...,
Overview of bronchiolitis,
Mcc of bronchiolitis
65  cards
Lecture 9: Immunizations
What is the main unfounded specul...,
Overall how many injections are g...,
When are immunizations checked
70  cards
Lecture 10: Obesity
How long should a mother exclusiv...,
What are the benefits of bfeeding,
What are the disadvantages of bfe...
64  cards
Lecture 11: Developmental Assessments & Growth Abnormalities
When should developmental assessm...,
How common are developmental delays,
What is birth to 3
81  cards
Lecture 12: Pediatric Accidents & Injuries
Which gender dies more,
What is the leading cause of pedi...,
What is the mc preventable cause ...
52  cards
Lecture 13: Well-Child Care
What is the description of failur...,
When can bmi started being measured,
How long do we measure head circu...
83  cards
Lecture 14: Adolescent Medicine
When do girls begin puberty and w...,
When are high risk behaviors comm...,
What are the biggest concerns dur...
43  cards
Lecture 15: Pre-Participation Sports Physicals
What is the ultimate goal of pre ...,
When is a ppe usually done,
What are the 3 methods for doing ...
39  cards
Lecture 16: Pediatric Urology
A neonate should expect to have t...,
A fully developed scrotum should ...,
The average age range of normal p...
115  cards
LEcture 17: Child Abuse & Neglect
T f failure to act falls under ch...,
T f neglect due to lack of financ...,
T f sexual contact under sexual a...
41  cards
Lecture 18: Pediatric GI Disorders
Generally yellow emesis suggests ...,
The mcc of vomiting in children is,
Describes an infant newborn with ...
95  cards
Lecture 19: Febrile Illness/ID
Rise in hypothalamic set point du...,
Mc cytokines that function as end...,
Core temperature is specifically ...
175  cards
Lecture 20: Common developmental/Behavioral Issues
By what age should we expect a ch...,
Sleep disorders are characterized...,
Usually by weeks a baby should be...
63  cards
Lecture 21: Pediatric Orthopedics
The 3 red flags of groin pain are...,
In a child presenting with groin ...,
A groin strain is really a
90  cards
Lecture 22: Pediatric Oncology
The 4th leading cause of death in...,
Overall the mc malignancy seen in...,
All is diagnosed by having greate...
72  cards

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