orthotic and prosthetic mock exams

This class was created by Brainscape user Rebecca O'Hotto. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

The ertl procedure is known as an...,
A below knee amputee is seen in y...,
A below the knee amputee is seen ...
125  cards
A patient has sustained a stroke ...,
During normal heel strike the for...,
Gait cycle is described by the ac...
127  cards
Lower Extremity Nerves
What muscles does the obturator n...,
What muscles does the femoral ner...,
What muscles does the sciatic ner...
6  cards
Lower Extremity Muscles
Psoas major and iliacus iliopsoas,
Rectus femoris
28  cards
Upper Extremity Muscles
Levator scapula,
Rhomboids major
49  cards
Upper Extremity Nerves
What nerves make up the roots of ...,
What nerves make up the upper tru...,
What nerves make up the lateral c...
22  cards
Transfemoral Gait Deviations
Knee anterior to tka causes 1 2,
Knee posterior to tka causes 1 2,
Ak bench alignment 1 2345
23  cards
Transtibial Gait Deviations
Foot too inset forces being appli...,
Foot too outset forces being appl...,
Foot too posterior forces being a...
17  cards
Prosthetic feet and knees
Single axis feet indications 12ad...,
Sach feet indications 1 advantage...,
Multi axial feet indications 1 ad...
10  cards
Overall Review
What is the leading cause of adul...,
T f scar tissues is as strong as ...,
What are the fabrication requirem...
307  cards
Shoulder Muscles
Muscles that cause flexion,
Muscles that cause extension,
What muscles cause aduction
6  cards
Suspension methods for BK
Joint and corset,
Waist belt suspension
7  cards
Suspension methods for AK
Skin fit suction,
Suction with seal in liner,
Gel locking liner pin or lanyard
7  cards
AFO Types and Considerations
Solid or rigid,
Solid or rigid benefits,
Solid or rigid considerations tha...
30  cards
Commonly Prescribed Lower Extremity Orthoses
Ucbl orthosis,
Supramalleolar orthosis smo
11  cards
Lower Extremity Oral Questions
How do you determine stirrup length,
How do you determine band length,
What are the minimum clearances f...
56  cards
Spinal Orthotics Oral Questions
Name 3 ways to manage a t11 anter...,
What is the biomechanical princip...,
What is your orthotic recommendat...
36  cards
Upper Extremity Oral Questions
What nerve is affected with ape h...,
What nerve is affected with wrist...,
What is normal position for the w...
24  cards
Spine Trauma
Dislocation fracture,
Chance fracture lap belt fracture,
Compression fracture
22  cards
TLSO Trimlines
Anterior superior,
Anterior inferior,
Lateral superior
7  cards
LSO Trimlines
Anterior superior,
Anterior inferior,
Lateral inferior
6  cards

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orthotic and prosthetic mock exams

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