This class was created by Brainscape user Amanda Zoethout. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Week 1
Outline of a musculoskeletal test,
Factors to add in a health histor...,
Verbal subjective history info
45  cards
Knee Anatomy/Pathology
How is acl injured,
Who is acl injury more common in ...,
What is the pcl function
27  cards
Lower Leg Pathology
What is eversion ankle sprains,
What is a high ankle syndesmotic ...,
What are ottawa rules
15  cards
Knee Tests
What are the two stress tests for...,
What is test for mcl,
What is test for lcl
7  cards
Lower Limb Test
What are the test for high ankle ...,
What is the test for achilles rup...,
Tests for inversion ankle sprain
3  cards
HIP/SI Joint Pathology
What is an acetabulum labrum,
What is osteoarthritis of hip,
Osteoarthritis sx
14  cards
Hip/SIJ Tests
Straight leg raise,
Limb length test,
Gillets test
13  cards
Thoracic Spine Pathology
Subluxation rib cause,
Costochondritis sx,
Cause of costochondritis
8  cards
What type of pain is a red flag,
Differentiate peripheral vs central,
Differentiate chronic vs joint so...
8  cards
Lumbar Pathology
Spondylosis causes,
Spondylosis risks,
15  cards
Lumbar Assessment
Peripheral joint scanning,
Prone knee bend,
Slump test
5  cards
What is nerve pain,
What is bone pain,
What is joint pain
28  cards
Grading for a sprain,
What s a capsular pattern,
Elbow capsular pattern
25  cards
Thoracic Spine Assessment
Thoracic spine tests,
Slump test,
Slump test
11  cards
Cervical Pathology
What is the most common type of h...,
What are the two types of tension...,
What is the cause of a suboccipit...
47  cards
Cervical Assessment
When looking at shoulders which s...,
What are all the special tests,
What is the spurlings compression...
27  cards
Cranial Nerves
Cn i,
Cn ii,
Cn iii
24  cards
Shoulder Pathology
2 kinds labral lesions,
Labral lesion sx,
What is the most common cause of ...
40  cards
Shoulder Assessment
Painful arc,
Painful arc,
What are the special tests for im...
14  cards
Elbow/forearm/hand Pathology
Which one affects lateral epicond...,
Which one is more elbow flexion i...,
Tennis elbow cause
23  cards
Elbow/forearm/hand Pathology
Which one affects lateral epicond...,
Which one is more elbow flexion i...,
Tennis elbow cause
23  cards
Elbow/forearm/hand Assessment
What is medial epicondylitis test,
What is lateral epicondylitis test,
What are the forearm wrist hand t...
15  cards

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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