This class was created by Brainscape user Hadiya A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (41)

Key Optometric Terminology
Ocular manifestations of a system...,
What do you call a person who is ...,
What do you call an experienced c...
159  cards
Ophthalmic Abbreviations
Prescription spectacles,
Chief complaint
51  cards
History & Symptoms
What are the advantages of electr...,
What are the disadvantages of ele...,
Case history
79  cards
Visual Acuity
Visual acuity,
What factors can affect visual ac...,
Unaided vision
119  cards
Pupils reactions procedure,
What to measure and observe,
34  cards
Accommodation is an _______ response,
How does accommodation occur
51  cards
What is ophthalmoscopy,
What is ophthalmoscopy also refer...,
What is iatrogenic damage
59  cards
What is retinoscopy,
What is another term for retinoscopy,
What is objective refraction
101  cards
Subjective refraction,
What conditions are required for ...,
What is the best vision sphere
11  cards
Fan & Block
Fan block,
Fan block technique illustrates _...,
What is fan block
7  cards
Check Tests
Bichromatic test,
Why duochrome
35  cards
Binocular Vision & Paediatrics
Binocular vision,
Critical period,
Cortical plasticity
7  cards
Anatomy & Physiology
What position does the optic nerv...,
What position does the macula hold,
24  cards
Changes in shape and optical prop...,
Avascular structure,
7  cards
Crystalline Lens
Equator is _________,
Movement occurs mainly in
11  cards
Axial Length
Fact about axial length
1  cards
Visual Field
Hemianopsia hemanopia,
Intracranial space occupying lesions,
12  cards
What is high order aberrations,
Electromagnetic spectrum,
Visible light
151  cards
Anterior Eye
What is entropian,
What is ectropion,
What is trichiasis
25  cards
Dry Eye
Punctal plugs,
How can you differentiate between...,
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
3  cards
Contact Lenses
What is regular astigmatism,
What does a keratometer measure,
What is the relationship between ...
24  cards
Normal Findings
Tessellated fundus,
Tigroid fundus,
Choroidal naevus
6  cards
Abnormal Findings
Myelinated nerve fibres,
Cornea plana,
4  cards
What is a common red reflex disease,
What is retinoblastoma,
What are the common signs of reti...
15  cards
What does yag laser mean,
What is the purpose of yag laser
2  cards
What are circumlinear vessels,
What is baring of circumlinear ve...,
What is glaucoma
31  cards
Age Related Macular Degeneration
What is armd,
What is the most common form of amd,
What is drusen
8  cards
Vascular Occlusive Disease
What is central retinal artery oc...,
What is central retinal vein occl...,
Cilioretinal artery
4  cards
Hypertensive Retinopathy
What is chronic hypertension,
What is malignant hypertension,
What are other features of malign...
6  cards
Other types of Retinopathy
Central serous retinopathy,
Treatment for csr
7  cards
Disc Changes
Tilted disc syndrome,
Bergmeister papilla
3  cards
Define papilloedema,
What are the possible aetiology f...
2  cards
Optic Nerve Atrophy
Define optic nerve atrophy,
What is primary optic nerve atrophy,
What is secondary optic nerve atr...
3  cards
Peripheral Retina Changes
Pre retinal haemorrhage
1  cards
Ocular Injury
Perforating injury,
Penetrating injury
2  cards
How to show good communication to...,
What is leaps communication model
2  cards
Low Vision
1  cards
Drug hypersensitivity,
Beta blocker,
Suffix for beta blockers is __
40  cards
Primary care,
Secondary care,
Tertiary care
11  cards
Optometry & the LAW
Standards of vision for driving,
What is the standard vision,
Lorry and bus driver vision stand...
8  cards
Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults
Safeguarding can also be defined as,
The children act 2004
45  cards

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