This class was created by Brainscape user Austin Shackelford. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

What are the 4 things necessary t...,
What are three things that today ...,
Dental caries is a _______ diseas...
87  cards
Cariology Part II
Guiding principle 1 assess caries...,
Guiding principle 1 assess caries...,
Guiding principle 1 assess caries...
65  cards
CAMBRA baby!
Dental caries is an ______ microb...,
What are the two categories of fa...,
Boom what are the 4 indicators of...
93  cards
ENDO!!! Dr. Leibow's ABC's of Dentistry-BECOME ONE WITH THESE
A clinical diagnostic category in...,
A clinical diagnosis based upon s...,
A clinical diagnosis based on sub...
26  cards
Dr. Morrison's Endo Talk
A tooth is derived from _________,
What is the direction of building...,
What are the 5 stages of building...
25  cards
Dr. Leibow- endo/root morphology
What is the longest tooth in the ...,
How many canals does a maxillary ...,
How many canals does a maxillary ...
12  cards
Exam 2: Burs, Classes, instruments, rando
What is the narrowest part of the...,
What is the junction between the ...,
What is a line angle
42  cards
Exam 2: Hand positions, Ergonomics, BioMec, Rubber Dams!
When prepping the bur stays paral...,
Ergo limit neck flextion to ___ d...,
Right handed dentists should work...
48  cards
Exam 2: Sealants!!
Sealants are thin _____ coatings ...,
What is the most popular type of ...,
If a sealant does have a filler w...
50  cards
Exam2: PRR
When determining whether to do a ...,
In a radiograph for detection of ...,
Searching for caries ______ opaqu...
61  cards
Exam 2: Designs for Class I lesions
What is the most cost effective c...,
What are the three most conservat...,
Key concept factors that affect o...
54  cards
Exam 2: Outline Form
Objectives ________ as much tooth...,
________ the border between the r...,
For oblique ridges the outline of...
20  cards
Exam 2: Retention,Resistance,Convenience
_______ form design features whic...,
Class ii amalgam the internal wal...,
A ______ isthmus allows for great...
26  cards
Exam 2: Finish and Cleanse
Checking your class i amalgam wit...,
Help reduce fracture of tooth or ...,
Which instrument do we use to mak...
9  cards
Exam 2: Class II Slot Preps-Quick & Dirty
Slot preps are great because they...,
Slot preps are for _______ caries...,
Increased _______ of amalgam over...
17  cards
Exam 3: Intro to Class II lesions Tx Plan
If the proximal caries has no inv...,
___ of lesions are cavitated if c...,
Once the dej is invaded caries pr...
55  cards
Quiz 2-Class V stuff
What are the three causes of clas...,
What are the three causes of clas...,
What are the three causes of clas...
10  cards
Exam 4-Class V, Class II composites
What component of composite is th...,
Bis gma has a high amount of ____...,
On account of bis gma composites ...
7  cards
Quiz 4-Class II composites, Class III (composites)
Which component of the composite ...,
Which component of the composite ...,
Which component of the composite ...
68  cards
Exam 5- Class II comp, caries/pulp protection, Class III
Anatomy of a caries which layer a...,
Outer carious dentin what does it...,
Anatomy of a caries which layer a...
69  cards
Quiz on Complex Amalgam
Indications for complex amalgams ...,
Indications for complex amalgams ...,
Contraindications for complex ama...
105  cards
Operative II-E1:Gold Onlays
Tx plan advantage for gold less t...,
Tx plan disadvantage for gold rel...,
Tx plan advantage for gold it sho...
45  cards
Operative II-E1: Gold Onlays part 2
Which bur is the best for divergi...,
What is the width of a maxillary ...,
What is the range of contact sepa...
44  cards
Operative II-E2: Veneers
Which type of veneer might i use ...,
Which type of veneer was most est...,
Which type of veneer was the best...
20  cards
Operative II-E3:Bonding and Materials
Is a primer hydrophilic or phobic,
Is a primer acidic or basic,
Are primers monomers or polymers
56  cards

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operative dentistry

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