biogeochem and ocean atmos

This class was created by Brainscape user Flo Gunn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Physical Oceanography
What is coriolis force,
What is frictional coupling,
The earth spins faster at the equ...
124  cards
Biogeochem - Chapter 1: Water (Henrik)
What temp is waters highest density,
What causes stratified bodies of ...,
When are temperate lakes stratified
40  cards
Biogeochem - Chapter 2: Carbon cycle and primary production
What is photosynthesis,
What is the photosynthesis light ...,
What is the photosynthesis dark r...
34  cards
Biogeochem - Carbon Cycle Part 2, composition of biomass
What do polymers consist of,
What s a homopolymer,
What is a heteropolymer
18  cards
Biogeochem - Remineralisation of biomass
Difference between organic and in...,
Characteristics of marine sediments,
What percentage of sediment goes ...
71  cards
Biogeochem - Carbon Cycle Part 3 ft Diagenesis and Catagenesis
What reaction does the absorption...,
What is the result of a condensat...,
What are the effects of condensat...
34  cards
Biogeochem - Chapt 5: Inorganic Carbon & Carbonates
What is formed when carbon dioxid...,
What is a pka value,
Chemical formula for carbonic acid
34  cards
Biogeochem - Chapt 6: Sediment Analysis and Diffusion
How do you core intertidal sediment,
How are sediment removed from the...,
Whats the maximum core length tha...
76  cards
Biogeochem - Chapt 7: Biogeochemical methods
Advantages and disadvantage of be...,
Advantages and disadvantage of po...,
Advantages and disadvantages of e...
13  cards
Biogeochem - Chapter 8 & 9: Oxygen cycling and Metabolic Diversity
List the 2 major reactions in the...,
What can consume oxygen,
How is oxygen a good indicator of...
62  cards
Biogeochem: Chapt 10 - Nitrogen cycling
Ammonium formula,
Ammonia formula,
In what organisms does nitrogen f...
3  cards
Biogeochem - Chapt 11: Sulphur Cycling
What are the main forms of sulphu...,
What is sulphur a product of,
What is sulphide a product of
38  cards
Biogeochem - Geoecology
What are the driving factors that...,
What is the clorpt equation what ...,
What is a physiological range
52  cards
Biogeochem: Changing ecosystems - Henrik
What drives long term landscape c...,
What drives short term landscape ...,
What term is used to describe the...
59  cards

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biogeochem and ocean atmos

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