This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Louise. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Biomechanical FOR
What is the biomechanical for,
Why is the biomechanical for useful,
What are occupational performance...
29  cards
Range of motion
What is joint rom,
What is prom,
What is arom
34  cards
Manual Muscle Testing
What is mmt,
What does mmt follow,
What does mmt measure
15  cards
Force, Torque and Levers
What is torque,
When is force generated,
What other forces outside the bod...
20  cards
Upper limb movement
What are the bones of the shoulder,
What are the joints of the shoulder,
What 3 joints make up the shoulde...
45  cards
Lower limb movement
Name 2 functions of the lower limb,
What is the pelvis joint also kno...,
Where is the sacroiliac joint loc...
42  cards
Back, neck and trunk movement
How many cervical vertebrae are t...,
How many thoracic vertebrae are t...,
How many lumbar vertebrae are there
29  cards
Anatomical glossary
What is the meaning of medial,
What is the meaning of lateral,
What is the meaning of anterior
39  cards
Mobility and gait
What are 2 functions of mobility,
What are the 2 phases of gait cycle,
How long of the gait cycle is stance
29  cards
Posture and seating
What is posture,
What is good posture,
What is the purpose of good posture
25  cards
Biomechanical risk factors
What is a hazard,
What is a risk,
What is a risk of working at heights
34  cards
Risk assessment
What are standardised risk assess...,
What standardised risk assessment...,
What standardised risk assessment...
34  cards
What is mechanical advantage,
What does it mean when ma,
How do we reduce the amount of fo...
11  cards
Functional Capacity Evaluation
What is the functional capacity e...,
What is the fce a measure of,
What is the fce process
11  cards
Motor systems and controls
What is motor control,
What components are necessary for...,
What affects motor control
48  cards
Motor assessment and intervention
What is movement analysis,
What are the 2 phases of upper li...,
What are the 3 stages of motor le...
44  cards
Sensory assessment and intervention
What is a functional test,
What is a threshold test,
What is proprioception
33  cards
Cognition structures and functions
Where is the frontal lobe located,
What are the functions of the fro...,
List 3 possible impairments of th...
68  cards
Cognition assessment and intervention
What does quest stand for,
What does the quest aim to do,
What is the difference between gr...
51  cards
What is play,
What is symbolic play,
What is imitation
48  cards
What motor factors impact hand wr...,
What cognitive factors impact han...,
What sensory factors impact handw...
3  cards

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occupational therapy

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