This class was created by Brainscape user Jess Grace. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (50)

Gynae: Menstrual disorders
Hpg axis,
What is primary amenorrhea,
Describe age ranges for normal pu...
52  cards
Gynae: Fibroids, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Polyps
What are fibroids,
Which ethnic groups are fibroids ...,
Describe the 4 types of fibrooids
39  cards
Gynae: Cervical Cancer
What age group is most commonly a...,
What is the most common type of c...,
What virus are children aged 12 1...
31  cards
Gynae: Endometrial Cancer
What is endometrial cancer,
What is the most common type of e...,
What age group is endometrial can...
22  cards
Gynae: Vulval Cancer
What are the most common types of...,
What are the risk factors for vul...,
What is vulval intraepithelial ne...
11  cards
Gynae: Ovarian Cancer
What is ovarian cancer,
Why is ovarian cancer associated ...,
What are the types of ovarian cancer
19  cards
Gynae: Ovarian pathology (torsion, cysts)
What is ovarian torsion,
What usually causes ovarian torsion,
Why is ovarian torsion an emergency
31  cards
Gynae: POI, Menopause and HRT
What is premature ovarian insuffi...,
Explain how premature ovarian ins...,
What are some causes of primary o...
50  cards
Gynae: Cervical pathology
What is cervical ectropion,
What hormone is cervical ectropio...,
What is the transformation zone
11  cards
What is hiv,
What is aids,
What is the progression of contra...
100  cards
Gynae: urinary incontinence and organ prolapse
What is organ prolapse,
What is a uterine prolapse,
What is a vault prolapse
17  cards
Gynae: FGM & congenital structural abnormalities
What is female genital mutilation...,
Legality around fgm,
What countries have high rates of...
20  cards
Gynae: PCOS
What is polycystic ovarian syndrome,
What are the clinical features of...,
What are the rotterdam criteria
25  cards
Gynae: Lichen Sclerosus and Atrophic Vaginitis
What is atrophic vaginitis,
What is the pathophysiology of at...,
How does atrophic vaginitis present
17  cards
Gynae: Bartholins
What is bartholin s glands,
What are bartholins cyst s,
What happens when a bartholin s c...
8  cards
Gynae: Androgen insensitivity syndrome
What is androgen insensitivity sy...,
Describe the features of someone ...,
How does androgen insensitivity p...
4  cards
Gynae: Ashermans
What is asherman s syndrome,
What usually causes asherman s sy...,
What does asherman s syndrome cause
6  cards
What percentage of couples will c...,
When should investigation and ref...,
What are the broad categories of ...
65  cards
Obs: Postnatal care
What things will be discuss in ro...,
What is the six week postnatal check,
What is lochia
69  cards
Antenatal - Medical conditions and drugs in pregnancy
Hypothyroidism in pregnancy,
Hypertension in pregnancy,
Epilepsy in pregnancy
31  cards
Antenatal - Gestational diabetes & acute fatty liver of pregnancy
Preexisting diabetes,
What is gestational diabetes,
What are the risk factors for ges...
21  cards
Antenatal - Pre-eclampsia
What is pre eclampsia and when do...,
Without treatment what can pre ec...,
What is the triad of pre eclampsia
26  cards
Antenatal - OC
What is obstetric cholestasis aka...,
When does obstetric cholestasis u...,
Obstetric cholestasis is associat...
9  cards
Antenatal - Placenta praevia, acreta, abruption and vasa praevia
What is placenta praevia,
Define low lying placenta and pla...,
What are the 3 most important cau...
30  cards
Antenatal - Breech
What is breech presentation,
What are the types of breech pres...,
How is breech managed
6  cards
Antenatal - Stillbirth & cardiac arrest
What is stillbirth,
What are some causes of stillbirth,
What factors increase risk of sti...
13  cards
Antenatal - Rashes in pregnancy
What is this rash,
What is this rash,
What is this rash
6  cards
Antenatal - VTE in pregnancy
What are some risk factors for vt...,
What is the rcog guidelines on vt...,
What are some other scenarios whe...
12  cards
Antenatal - Pregnancy overview, lifestyle advice & booking in clinic
Define last menstrual period lmp,
Define gestational age,
Define estimated date of delivery...
29  cards
Antenatal - Downs screening
Antenatal screening for downs,
What are the 3 screening tests do...,
Down s syndrome screening what is...
9  cards
Antenatal - small for gestational age
What is small for gestational age...,
What 2 measurements are used to a...,
Mothers have customised growth ch...
20  cards
Antenatal - Large for gestational age
When are babies defined as large ...,
What are some causes of macrosomia,
Macrosomia caries risks for both ...
7  cards
Antenatal - Multiple pregnancies
Multiple pregnancy define monozyg...,
Multiple pregnancy define dizygotic,
Risk factors for dizygotic twins
21  cards
Antenatal - UTI in pregnancy
What are the risks of urinary tra...,
What is asymptomatic bacteriuria ...,
How are pregnant women tested for...
12  cards
Antenatal - Anaemia in pregnancy
When are women routinely screened...,
Sometimes women with anaemia are ...,
What are the normal haemoglobin l...
11  cards
Antenatal - Rhesus incompatibility
Explain the significance of rhesu...,
What is the management of rhesus ...,
How does the anti d medication work
9  cards
Early pregnancy - Miscarriage and TOP
What is a misscarriage,
What is a missed miscarriage,
What is a threatened miscarriage
41  cards
Early pregnancy - ectopic, PUO, molar
What is an ectopic pregnancy,
What are some risk factors for ec...,
How does an ectopic pregnancy pre...
28  cards
Early pregnancy - nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
When does nausea and vomiting in ...,
What is the severe form of nausea...,
Hat is thought to be responsible ...
12  cards
Obs: L&D - CTG, pain relief & drugs
What are some indications for con...,
What do we look for on ctg,
What are some options non pharmac...
25  cards
Obs: L&D - onset of labour and premature labour
When does labour and delivery nor...,
Define the 3 stages of labour,
What is involve din the first sta...
21  cards
Obs: L&D - IOL
What is induction of labour,
Indications for induction of labour,
What is the bishop score
15  cards
Obs: L&D - Failure to progress
What is failure to progress and w...,
Progress in labour is influenced ...,
What are the 3 phases of the firs...
20  cards
Obs: L&D - shoulder dystocia & cord prolapse
What is a cord prolapse,
What is the danger associated wit...,
What is the most significant risk...
10  cards
Obs: L&D - instrumental delivery and perineal tears
What are the indications for an i...,
What are some risks to the mother...,
What are the main and rarer risks...
19  cards
Obs: L&D - PPH
What is pph postpartum haemorrhage,
What quantifies a pph,
Whats the difference between prim...
15  cards
Obs: L&D - CS and VBAC
What is a caesarean section,
Describe what is involved in an e...,
What are some indications for ele...
17  cards
Obs: L&D - sepsis & amniotic fluid embolism
What are the 2 commonest causes o...,
What is chorioamnionitis,
How are maternity patients monito...
13  cards
Obs: L&D - uterine rupture & inversion
What is uterine rupture,
What is the difference between in...,
What are the risk factors for ute...
13  cards
Antenatal - Prolonged pregnancy
What is prolonged pregnancy,
What is post term pregnancy and p...,
What are the risk factors for pro...
9  cards

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obstetrics & gynaecology

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