This class was created by Brainscape user Medicine Files. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

What is meconium made up of,
What causes dark green pigment of...,
When will insulin be detected in ...
4  cards
Overview of Maternal Health in Philippines
Obstetrical complication which is...,
State of complete physical mental...,
Implies that people are able to h...
59  cards
Preconceptional Care
When should preconceptional phase...,
When does the most active phase o...,
A set of interventions that aim t...
71  cards
Ovarian Endometrial Cycle
When does follicular phase happen,
What happens in the follicular phase,
When does luteal phase occur
70  cards
Implantation and Placental Development
How many days after fertilization...,
What are the three distinct phase...,
This phases is the initial contac...
109  cards
Maternal Physiology
In early pregnancy what causes th...,
After 12 weeks what causes the in...,
Thickening is most marked on whic...
93  cards
Anatomy of the Birth Canal
0  cards
Diagnosis of Pregnancy and Prenatal Care
Enumerate the presumptive symptoms,
Nausea and vomiting correlates si...,
What condition caused by increase...
85  cards
1M - Genetics
Study of genes heredity and the v...,
Deals with the etiology and patho...,
Study of gene function and intera...
145  cards
1M - Prenatal Diagnosis, Fetal Disorders and Fetal Therapy
This is the science of identifyin...,
What are the three major categori...,
Most common cause of congenital d...
125  cards
1M - Antenatal Fetal Surveillance
Amount of fetal death before labor,
This causes inadequate delivery o...,
Fetal complications of antepartum...
82  cards
1M - Fetal Imaging
Upon ultrasound the results show ...,
What is the first sign of early p...,
When can we first see the gestati...
54  cards
1M - Drugs and Immunization in Pregnancy
Mild sedative used for treatment ...,
What is the current use of thalid...,
Within 20 days after fertilizatio...
76  cards
1M - Parturition
Clinical labor is what phase of p...,
This is the quiescence stage of p...,
This is the phase of parturition ...
92  cards
1M - Normal Labor and Delivery
What is the greatest impediment w...,
This is defined as the presence o...,
On pe what findings are positivel...
73  cards
1F - Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring
Intrapartum monitoring occurs dur...,
Antepartum monitoring occurs duri...,
What test assesses the cns status...
41  cards
1F - Induction and Augmentation of Labor
What defines successful induction...,
What do we call the induction of ...,
What is 5 contractions per 10 min...
48  cards
1F - Vaginal Delivery
What is early active phase of cer...,
This division of labor covers the...,
What dilatation is the phase of m...
44  cards
1F - The Puerperium
This is the period after delivery...,
When does puerperium end,
How many weeks does it take for t...
75  cards
1F - The Newborn Infant
What ductus closes after delivery...,
If the mother experiences tachysy...,
A transient period or rapid breat...
60  cards
1F - Family Planning
This allow individuals to and cou...,
What are the two permanent family...,
What is the active agent in sperm...
55  cards
1F - Obstetric Anesthesia
What are hematologically increase...,
Hgb and hematocrit during pregnan...,
What asa class is a pregnant patient
61  cards
2P - Dysfunctional Labor
A primi patient with a dilatation...,
What mechanism of dystocia is aff...,
What is a possible sign of fetope...
32  cards
2P - Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
What is the definition of early p...,
Increase in maternal age is direc...,
Incidence rate of early pregnancy...
38  cards
2P - Breech Delivery
0  cards
2P - Placental Abnormalities
The basal plate lies against the ...,
This is the fetal surface of the ...,
What variant of the placenta has ...
66  cards
2P - Shoulder Dystocia
Difficult labor due to abnormalit...,
Most common cause of fetal dystocia,
Any presentation other than occiput
24  cards
2P - Operative Obstetrics
What local anesthesia is used dur...,
What is of utmost importance duri...,
In midline episiotomy a vertical ...
32  cards
2P - Early Pregnancy Complications
It is the expulsion or extraction...,
Abortion weight threshold,
Most common aog for spontaneous a...
36  cards
2P - CS, Postpartum Hysterectomy, VBACS
When does do we do hysterectomy,
What type of patients require a r...,
What is the most common planned h...
29  cards
2P - Ethics in OB GYN Practice
This is the basis for informed co...,
Covers the study of thenature of ...,
Answer the question whichgeneral ...
40  cards
Prolonged latent phase in nullipa...,
Protracted descent in multipara,
Prolonged deceleration phase in m...
18  cards
OB GOLD - Intrapartal Fetal Monitoring
0  cards
OB GOLD - Ectopic Pregnancy
Most common site of ectopic pregn...,
Tubal rupture during ectopic preg...,
Abdominal ectopic pregnancies can...
13  cards
OB GOLD - Cesarean Delivery
What cesarean incision has the hi...
1  cards
OB GOLD - Placental Abnormalities
0  cards

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