This class was created by Brainscape user Julie Littlefield. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Abnormal First Trimester
Abortion means the termination of...,
_____ ______ usually occurs withi...,
Approximately ___ of all pregnanc...
41  cards
An anatomic or structual abnormal...,
Percentage of perinatal deaths th...,
Any substance capable of causing ...
34  cards
Fetal Ab
The diaphragm separates the more ...,
The superior aspect of the abdomi...,
You can see the diaphragm on a __...
46  cards
Normal anatomy pt2
By the end of the third week of t...,
During the implantation process a...,
What are the sonographic findings...
28  cards
normal 1st trim. pt.1
What day is ovulation in a 28 day...,
How long after ovulation does fer...,
Where does ovulation most commonl...
36  cards
Fetal Circulation
________ and _______ sections are...,
The fetal _______ should occupy a...,
The fetal heart is located in the...
55  cards
Amniotic Fluid
Amniotic fluid is produced by the...,
After 19 weeks ____ ____ is produ...,
Amniotic fluid is introduced to t...
21  cards
Fetal Biometrics and Fetal Lie
The very first thing that should ...,
Does the patient ever need to hav...,
If the patient has a full bladder...
50  cards
placenta/umbilical cord
A discoid highly vacular organ wh...,
The maternal surface is highly ir...,
The fetal surface of the placenta...
79  cards
Fetal face and neck
The upper liip and the nares are ...,
True or false you must have this ...,
Why is it important to image the ...
40  cards
Fetal Central Nervous System Part 2
An intracranial abnormality that ...,
What are the three classification...,
Which classification of hydroceph...
42  cards
Fetal Central Nervous System pt 1
______ begins with the formation ...,
The neural tubes closes from the ...,
How do you evaluate the fetal spine
38  cards
Fetal Musculoskeletal part 2
Characterized by rhizomelic short...,
The most common form of genetic s...,
Heterozygous achondroplastic dwar...
28  cards
Fetal Genitourinary Tract
Kidneys originate in the embryoni...,
The fetal kidney scan be visualiz...,
The fetal kidneys ascend from the...
38  cards
fetal musculoskeletal pt1
When can most of the fetal bones ...,
What is the name for the arms and...,
What bones are not ossified until...
27  cards
Fetal Syndromes
Rare condition and it s etiology ...,
The most severe condition on the ...,
What are the multiple severe abno...
20  cards
Twin Pregnancy
These are twins which are derived...,
These are twins divided from the ...,
Dizygotic twins comprises ______ ...
26  cards
Maternal Complications
The rate of ______ in a diabetic ...,
The risk of major fetal anomaly i...,
_________ plays a major role of m...
66  cards
Know This!!!!!
What is the most common congenita...,
A rare pharyngeal teratoma which ...,
May occur anywhere on or around t...
16  cards
Fetal complications
Defined as a fetus weighing below...,
The most accurate dating of a pre...,
There are many causes of iugr wit...
60  cards
Gynecologic sono final
When a sonographer discovers a bi...,
The outer serosal layer of the ut...,
Days 6 13 in the uterus are consi...
77  cards
OB final
The most accurate sonographic met...,
The trophoblasts of the blastocys...,
All of the following are associat...
23  cards
OB Final Pt. 2
The abdominal circumference measu...,
Which of the following anatomic s...,
While scanning a patient in her 3...
78  cards
Physics Chapter 15 - 17
A word of computer memory consist...,
One of the limitations of an anal...,
Analog numbers can have an unlimi...
35  cards

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ob ultrasound

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