nursing obstetrics & pediatrics

This class was created by Brainscape user Mellow Green. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

prep for quiz 1
Guiding principles of family cent...,
When does obstetrical care start,
Preconception phase
133  cards
Midterm Prep
What is the acronym for a post pa...,
What should be assessed about the...,
What is mastitis and what are sym...
121  cards
What are red flags that may be no...,
According to the dsm what are the...,
One diagnostic criteria for asd i...
39  cards
Pain & Palliative Care
What is pain,
What are some of the negative con...
41  cards
Neural Tube Defects & Neuro Concerns
How much urine output is anticipa...,
How much urine output is expected...,
How much urine output is expected...
51  cards
textbook questions for obstetrics
What factors would change during ...,
Which of the following is a presu...,
3 when obtaining a blood test for...
29  cards
childhood cancer
How does the development of cance...,
What are predisposing factors to ...,
How prevalent is childhood cancer...
55  cards
alterations in GI functions
How is the anatomy and physiology...,
What are possible causes of gi di...,
What is necrotizing enterocolitis
46  cards
fluid resuscitation
How is the amount of maintenance ...,
How much urine output should a ch...,
How much urine output should a ch...
4  cards
pediatric obesity
How is apnea defined,
What are the three types of apnea,
How is bradycardia defined for pe...
33  cards
growth and development
What ages are defined as infancy,
What ages are defined as toddlerhood,
What ages are defined as preschool
64  cards
pediatric cardiac issues
What are the two broad classifica...,
What is the major complication th...,
What are some acyanotic heart def...
52  cards
respiratory concerns
What are the anatomical and physi...,
What is a major way that uncontro...,
What is asthma
89  cards
Mental Health Disorders
How many children in canada who n...,
How does canadas youth suicide ra...,
What disorder is sometimes referr...
38  cards
Meningitis and Seizures
What is a seizure,
What are typical motor phenomena ...,
What are symptoms usually perceiv...
84  cards
Genetic Disorders
What is a genetic disorder,
How many pairs of chromosomes do ...,
What is meant by a dominant gene ...
20  cards
Pharmacotherapy in Children
What are some factors that make c...,
How is pharmacotherapy altered by...
2  cards
Is dental caries an infectious di...,
What is vertical transmission,
What is horizontal transmission
11  cards
health challenges in labour and birth
Why is the rate of preterm births...,
What are some factors that may co...,
What is fetal fibronectin and why...
43  cards
health challenges in the newborn
What are common complications for...,
What are some respiratory challen...,
What are some cardiovascular chal...
63  cards
postpartum health challenges
What are some postpartum health c...,
What time frame is considered an ...,
What time frame is considered lat...
24  cards
health challenges in pregnancy
What are some health challenges i...,
How common is hypertension in pre...,
What types of hypertensive disord...
53  cards
Infant Nutrition
What does breastfeeding reduce th...,
Beyond infancy what does breastfe...,
What does breastmilk contain that...
33  cards
intimate partner violence
What is the annual prevalence of ...,
How many women in canada have exp...,
Of canadian women who reported be...
15  cards
food security
0  cards
pain measures during labour
What is the goal of pharmalogical...,
What is important to remember abo...,
Why is morphine better in early l...
10  cards

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nursing obstetrics & pediatrics

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