This class was created by Brainscape user alex speers. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Principles of infectious disease
What is present in the wall of a ...,
T f spores are metabolically active,
How does bacterial infection caus...
38  cards
Gram negative diplococci
How are the neisseria species dif...,
Identify the relevant risk fator ...,
How does neisseria gonorrhoea gra...
25  cards
Gram positive endospore forming rods
Identify the relevant risk factor...,
An infant eats honey and becomes ...,
Name the bacteria associated with...
50  cards
Gram positive non-spore forming rods
What lab findings are useful to h...,
What is the morphology of coryneb...,
What are the clinical manifestati...
23  cards
Gram-negative curved rods
T f h pylori is a gram negative r...,
What lab findings are useful to h...,
How does vibrio cholerae toxin work
28  cards
Gram-positive cocci
What lab findings are useful to h...,
Identify the major virulence toxi...,
How is strep agalactiae group b s...
78  cards
Gram-negative coccobacilli
How is haempohilus ducreyi transm...,
What are the clinical manifestati...,
How does haemophilus vaginalis ga...
26  cards
Acid-fast rods
How is mycobacterium tuberculosis...,
T f m tuberculosis and m avium in...,
How is mycobacterium leprae trans...
28  cards
What lab findings are useful to h...,
What is the classic skin symptom ...,
What are the manifestations in st...
26  cards
Wall-less bacteria
What lab finding is useful to hel...,
Identify the major virulence toxi...,
What lab findings are useful to h...
17  cards
Obligate intracellular bacteria
What are the clinical manifestati...,
Where is rocky mountain spotted f...,
What are the clnical manifestatio...
36  cards
Gram negative rods
Identify relevant epidemiology an...,
Name the diarrheal organism that ...,
What are the most commons associa...
103  cards
Identify the major virulence toxi...,
Describe a typical tinea lesion 2,
What is the presentation of blast...
77  cards
Viruses and Prions
What is the morphology of rubivir...,
All rna viruses are ssrna except ...,
What are the clinical manifestati...
161  cards
What condition does trichomonas v...,
What is the morphology of babesla...,
How is leishmania donovani transm...
63  cards
Specific Immunity
Function of t lymphocytes,
What percentage of all leukocytes...,
When b cells encounter antigen th...
103  cards
Immune reactions/responses
The state when an immune cell mat...,
What molecule causes transplant r...,
Which class mhc protein has two p...
12  cards
Immune dysfunction
What is the mechanism of a type i...,
What are some examples of conditi...,
What ig isotypes are common in a ...
14  cards

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nplex - microbiology and immunology

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