This class was created by Brainscape user Katherine Souza. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Anomeric carbon,
Non reducing sugar
54  cards
Cardio l
Type of endocarditis assoc w a pr...,
Type of endocarditis assoc w vira...,
Complication from strep throat
52  cards
Essential fatty acids eicosanoids,
Beta oxidize fats to,
Esterify fas to
51  cards
Essential aas,
Glutathione constituents,
Zymogen are
19  cards
Cell Dynamics
Sodium pump,
Osmolarity equation,
Resting membrane potential of a cell
10  cards
Neuro l
What goes through the acoustic me...,
Mnemonic for cn sensory motor or ...,
What goes through the jugular for...
56  cards
Neuro ll
Epidural hematoma is caused by,
Subdural hematoma is caused by,
Subarachnoid hematoma is caused by
55  cards
Neuro lll
Brown sequard syndrome,
Pineal gland is located where and...,
Superior vs inferior colliculi lo...
50  cards
Neuro lV
Alpha synuclein defect found in what,
Classic triad of ms dxd by,
What is the most common variant o...
14  cards
Cardio ll
What kind of anemia does thalasse...,
What kinds of cells will you see ...,
What kind of cells will you see i...
31  cards
What wbc is the mc in circulation,
L gastric a supplies,
Rle of urea cycle
40  cards
How many lobes on ea lung,
The only artery w deoxygenated bl...,
The only vein w oxygenated blood is
58  cards
Hyoid landmark,
Cricoid landmark,
49  cards
MS Head - KISS
Feltys syndrome is assoc w,
What dz is a collagen vascular dz...,
Oa destroys what
78  cards
Glycogen - KISS
To make glycogen take glucose and...,
Glucose g6p what enzyme,
G6p g1p part of what pathway enzyme
19  cards
MS Neck - KISS
Scm covers,
Unilateral scm contraction is called,
What lifts us the 1st rib 2nd rib
31  cards
Immuno l
Lps is what,
Cold temps activate pns or sns,
Where is the set point for body t...
52  cards
Micro l
Staph aureus type of bug how do c...,
Gas what is it problems it causes,
What is salmonellas defense
55  cards
Immuno ll - Dz
What syndrome is classified by th...,
What dz has collagen and fibrosis...,
What is the difference bet type l...
6  cards
Micro ll
What bug uses urease to lower the...,
Helicobacter pyloritype
2  cards
Gastrohepatic ligament contains,
Gastrocolic ligament contains,
Gastrosplenic a contains
42  cards
Pelvic - KISS
Neurogenic bladder hyper or hypo ...,
Cardinal ligament attaches,
Round ligament attaches remnant of
14  cards
What cells secrete histamine in t...,
What are the cells of the duodenu...,
K cells of the si release
26  cards
Endo & Urinary - ANDERSON
What enzyme converts t4 t3,
What tumors are of the adrenal me...,
What cells make epi and ne
38  cards

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