This class was created by Brainscape user Victor Redmon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Neurorad Anatomy
Ct shape of machine how is an ima...,
Mri shape of machine how is an im...,
What is the difference in a how a...
16  cards
NeuroRad cases
What are the 3 anatomical divisio...,
What are common cns pathologies o...,
What are common cns patholiges of...
19  cards
What is the bbb also called where...,
Definition of cerebral edema 2 ma...,
What are the gross changes of cer...
44  cards
Normal Brain Histology & Basic Neuropathologic Reactions
What are some unique anatomic phy...,
Normal neurons integrate
30  cards
Cerebrovascular Diseases
What regions of the brain are sup...,
Circle of willis,
What is hypoxia
43  cards
Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System Pathology
How does infection manifest in th...,
What is neurotropism,
What are the mechanisms for neuro...
59  cards
Bacterial Infections of CNS
Which menigeal layers become infl...,
List the primary pathogens of bac...,
List the occasional pathogens of ...
30  cards
Rabies & Prions
How is the rabies virus classified,
Rabies virion morphology shape wh...,
How does rhabdovirus replicate
16  cards
Neurodegenerative Diseases Pt. 1
What are the 3 poles of the cereb...,
What are the 6 layers of the neoc...,
What are the primary cortices
49  cards
Neurodegenerative Diseases Pt. 2
What is the second most common fo...,
What is the ftd what is the diffe...,
What percentage of ftd are sporadic
53  cards
Neurodegenerative Diseases Pt. 3
What type of inheritance pattern ...,
Describe the onset of motor cogni...,
How long does it take for hunting...
17  cards
Toxic & Metabolic Diseases of the CNS
When do you suspect a metabolic d...,
What are some common symptoms of ...,
What are some suspicous presentat...
63  cards
Antiseizure Drugs
Which antiseizure medication is e...,
Which antiseizure medication is b...,
Phenytoin mechanism of action pha...
30  cards
Introduction to Ophthalmic Pathology
What are the common causes of eye...,
What are the steps of a comprehen...,
______ is the transparent coverin...
23  cards
Ophthalmic Pathology: Posterior Segment
What is the layer of the eye that...,
What are the layers of the retina,
Retina function photoreceptors re...
33  cards
Red flag symptoms of a headache,
Comfort signs symptoms of a headache,
Epidemiologywhat have migraine wi...
20  cards
Seizure Types and Treatment
What are the two definitions of a...,
Abnormal spikes are seen on ____ ...,
What are some possible triggers f...
37  cards
Pharmacology of Headache/Migraine
What is serotonin synthesized fro...,
What is the location of serotonin...,
What are the serotonin receptors
13  cards
Malformations & Developmental Diseases Part 1
The anatomic pattern of malformat...,
Definitions malformation deformat...,
What is the deformation sequence ...
33  cards
Malformations & Developmental Diseases Part 2
What are the 3 main categories of...,
What is the general pathogenesis ...,
Polymicrogyria definitionfocal vs...
50  cards
Traditional Brain Tumors
Epidemiologyintracranial incidenc...,
Locationchildhoodadultmetastatic ...,
Behavior of cns tumor
32  cards
PNS/Familial/Other Tumors
What is this,
20  cards
Myelination Disorders
What is responsible for axon myel...,
What is the difference between de...,
List the disorders of demyelination
14  cards
Clinical Features of Demyelinating Diseases
What are common ms symptoms at onset,
List the top 4 ms symptoms during...,
Describe the clincal course of ms
32  cards
Immune-Mediated Pathogenesis in Multiple Sclerosis
Warning: There are no cards for the immunity overview
23  cards
Skeletal Muscle & PNS Pathology
Normal musclebeehive is normal,
What are the pathologic reactions...,
Describe denervation atrophy neur...
24  cards

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