This class was created by Brainscape user Justin Holmes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (40)

Unit 1: Neurotransmitters and Receptors
L1 _____ ach receptors have ionot...,
L1 _____ ach receptors have metab...,
L1 acetylcholine is produced from...
76  cards
Unit 1: Autonomic Nervous System Physiology
L1 ratio of preganglionic to post...,
L1 postganglionic parasympathetic...,
L1 postganglionic sympathetic neu...
88  cards
Unit 1: Autonomic Nervous System Drugs
L2 what is the categorization and...,
L2 what is the categorization and...,
L2 what is the categorization and...
50  cards
Unit 1: Autonomic Drug Therapeutic Uses
What is the appropriate drug cate...,
What is the appropriate drug cate...,
What is the appropriate drug cate...
26  cards
Unit 1: General Concepts
L1 ______ are capable of myelinat...,
L1 ______ are capable of myelinat...,
L1 which imaging modality measure...
37  cards
Unit 1: Peripheral Nerve Disorders and NMJ Pharmacology
L1 name a clostridium toxin that ...,
L1 type of channel opened during ...,
L1 type of channel opened during ...
26  cards
Unit 1: Spinal Cord Neuroanatomy
L1 ________ secondary neurons cro...,
L1 lower motor neuron syndrome is...,
L1 second order pain temperature ...
25  cards
Unit 1: Nervous System Embryology
L1 _____ migration use of glial c...,
L1 a crease forms in the neural p...,
L1 a neuron leaves the cell cycle...
69  cards
Unit 1: Congenital/Developmental Disorders
L what pathologic process result ...,
L1 what pathologic process occurs...,
L1 which developmental definition...
50  cards
Unit 2: TBI and Stroke
L1 which pathologic finding concu...,
L1 which pathologic finding downw...,
L1 which pathologic finding intra...
45  cards
Unit 2: Neurodegenerative Diseases
L1 delirium and or dementia chronic,
L1 delirium and or dementia commo...,
L1 delirium and or dementia fluct...
42  cards
Unit 2: CNS Tumors
L1 what tumor grade anaplastic as...,
L1 what tumor grade anaplastic ep...,
L1 what tumor grade anaplastic ol...
35  cards
Unit 2: Inflammatory, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Toxic Diseases
L1 what is the most common cns in...,
L1 what pathologic process rapid ...,
L2 what are the effects of methan...
33  cards
Unit 2: Meningitis and Encephalitis
L1 which cause of viral meningiti...,
L2 in bacterial meningitis csf wb...,
L2 in bacterial meningitis ______...
20  cards
Unit 2: Exteroception
L1 somatosensory area ___ receive...,
L1 the second synapse for fibers ...,
L1 transducin activates a _______...
41  cards
Unit 2: Nociception
L1 excess sensitization of nocice...,
L1 first pain pin prick sensation...,
L1 second pain burning sensation ...
27  cards
Unit 2: Headache
L1 what agent is used for migrain...,
L1 what is the treatment for term...,
L1 which cause of headache associ...
21  cards
Unit 2: Spinal Cord Syndromes
L1 ______ bladder injury of paras...,
L1 ______ bladder injury to desce...,
L1 conus medullaris or cauda equi...
62  cards
Unit 2: Local Anesthetics and Opioid Analgesics
L1 local anesthetic drugs with de...,
L1 local anesthetic drugs with de...,
L1 local anesthetic drugs with hi...
44  cards
Unit 3: Audition
L1 _____ of sound is encoded by t...,
L1 _____ of sound is encoded by t...,
L1 ______ rely on the spatial sep...
49  cards
Unit 3: Vestibular System, Aphasia, and Otology
L1 _____ detect angular acceleration,
L1 _____ detect linear acceleration,
L1 ______ is a tumor type that is...
30  cards
Unit 3: Motor Systems
L1 _____ are collagen structures ...,
L1 _____ are mapped in the motor ...,
L1 _____ are present in intrafusa...
25  cards
Unit 3: Cerebellum
L1 _____ fibers fire when the inf...,
L1 _____ fibers originate in the ...,
L1 _____ fibers provide ______ in...
50  cards
Unit 3: Basal Ganglia
L1 basal ganglia lesions result i...,
L1 deep brain stimulation induces...,
L1 dopamine release into the stri...
32  cards
Unit 3: Movement Disorders
L1 ka speech evaluates cn __,
L1 la speech evaluates cn __,
L1 pa speech evaluates cn __
69  cards
Unit 3: Cortical Lesions
What is the appropriate term bila...,
What is the appropriate term impa...,
What is the appropriate term inab...
33  cards
Unit 3: Vision and Eye Movements
L1 off center ganglion cells are ...,
L1 on center ganglion cells are _...,
L1 at the optic chiasm the _____ ...
32  cards
Unit 3: Ophthalmology
L1 which pathologic process conju...,
L1 which pathologic process more ...,
L1 which structure separates the ...
71  cards
Unit 3: Ocular Pharmacology
Which classes of glaucoma drugs i...,
Which classes of glaucoma drugs d...,
Name a prostglandin analog
7  cards
Unit 4: The Thalamus
L1 awakening and interruption of ...,
L1 opening of t type calcium chan...,
L1 valproic acid and ethosuximide...
24  cards
Unit 4: Limbic System and Memory
L1 ________ ability to recall eve...,
L1 activated calmodulin activates...,
L1 camkii mediates increased inco...
50  cards
Unit 4: Pharmacology of Addiction
L1 _________ critical for executi...,
L1 abuse risk is ______ with an i...,
L1 drugs with the shortest half l...
15  cards
Unit 4: Alcohol
L1 ____ of alcohol metabolism occ...,
L1 90 of asian have increased ___...,
L1 accumulation of nadh leads to ...
21  cards
Unit 4: Anxiety Disorders and Anxiolytic-Sedative Agents
L1 _______ recurrent thoughts ima...,
L1 _______ repetitive behaviors o...,
L1 mechanism of action benzodiaze...
22  cards
Unit 4: Epilepsy and Anti-Seizure Agents
L1 mechanism of action bzds,
L1 mechanism of action phenobarbital,
L2 clinical uses diazepam
43  cards
Unit 4: Sleep and Insomnia
L1 which z drug is best used as a...,
L1 which z drug is the most widel...,
L1 which stage of sleep decreased...
33  cards
Unit 4: Drugs of Abuse
L1 mechanism of action cns depres...,
L1 mechanism of action cns stimul...,
L1 mechanism of action opioids
35  cards
Unit 4: General Anesthetics
L1 induction rate is ______ as th...,
L1 induction rate is ______ as th...,
L1 minimum alveolar concentration...
14  cards
Unit 4: Mood Disorders, Mood Stabilizers, and ADHD
L1 mechanism of action ssris,
L1 mechanism of action snris,
L1 name the most common maoi
46  cards
Unit 4: Psychosis and Anti-Psychotic Agents
L1 ______ antipsychotic agents ha...,
L1 ______ antipsychotic agents ha...,
L1 ______ antipsychotic agents ha...
38  cards

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