This class was created by Brainscape user Amy Carter. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Neuroanatomy and neurological exams
What is the definition of neurolo...,
What does the cns consist of,
What is found within the forebrain
50  cards
Small animal neurological conditions
What can lesions in lmn cause,
What can lesions in umn cause,
What are the main causes of spina...
52  cards
Degeneration and necrosis
What are the major components of ...,
Name the mechanisms of cell injury,
How does hypoxia ischaemia cause ...
23  cards
Inflammation and repair (1)
Define inflammation,
What are the cardinal signs of in...,
What is the inflammatory process ...
34  cards
Inflammation and repair (2)
Describe the sequence of events i...,
Describe margination and pavementing,
Describe emigration
31  cards
Large animal neurological conditions
Name three spinal cord diseases i...,
Name four peripheral nerve diseas...,
What are the three types of ataxia
55  cards
Muscle pathology
Changes to muscle can be,
In what three ways do myocytes re...,
What are some possible causes of ...
56  cards
Bone and joint pathology
What is the role of osteoclasts,
What is the role of osteoblasts,
What does the classification of a...
55  cards
Veterinary Orthopaedic and diagnostic assessment
Describe a hands off assessment,
What kind of questions might you ...,
What kind of questions might you ...
45  cards
Tendons and ligaments
Describe tendons,
Describe ligaments,
What are known as entheses
27  cards
Veterinary orthopaedic surgery
What considerations would you mak...,
How can you prevent further conta...,
Once stable what can be done duri...
46  cards
Small animal orthopaedic conditions
What is bicipital tenosynovitis,
What is the aetiology of bicipita...,
What history is considered for bi...
15  cards

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musculoskeletal dysfunction

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