This class was created by Brainscape user Nathan Ashburner. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Stages of damage control surgery ...,
Criteria for damage control suger...,
Permissive hypotension in major t...
81  cards
Resp Physiology
Functions of surfactant,
Conditions that decrease lung com...
32  cards
Cardio physiology
Mechanism of contraction in cardi...,
Cardiac action potential cycle,
Action potential phase 0
47  cards
Gastro Physiology
Enteric nervous system,
Saliva types,
Ductal modifications of saliva
57  cards
Urology physiology
Renal blood flow,
How is the glomerulus in the neph...,
Hydrostatic pressure across bowma...
20  cards
Endo Physiology
Location of the hypothalamus,
Hypophyseal stalk,
Development of anterior pituitary
61  cards
Neuro Physiology
Autoregulation of cbf,
Hyperbaric oxygen and cerebral bl...,
Total volume csf
45  cards
Pre Op
Recent chest infection,
Four metabolic equivalents,
Indications for baseline bloods
25  cards
Common organisms in acute otitis ...,
Management of chronic suppurative...,
Causes of sensorineural deafness
27  cards
Commonest malignant primary bone ...,
Complications of colles fracture,
Imaging for scaphoid fractures
179  cards
Ventricular system,
Anterior cerebrlal artery supplies,
Middle cerebral artery supplies
43  cards
Blocks il 2r,
Blocks rna dna synthesis,
Inhibits t cells
22  cards
Commonest stone type,
Magnesium ammonium phosphate stru...,
Stone 05cm
73  cards
Risks of cariopulmonary by pass,
Thallium isotope scan,
Graft for coronary bypass
18  cards
Pain in the buttock when walking,
Pain in the thigh when walking,
Pain in the calve when walking
39  cards
Development of upper parathyroid ...,
Development of the lower parathyr...,
Level of the thyroid glands
42  cards
Management of fibroadenoma,
Chromosome 17
13  cards
Three types of dermal appendage,
Type of sweat gland affected by h...,
Types of sweat gland
23  cards
Persistence of the vitello intest...,
Meckels diverticulum,
164  cards
UC vs Crohns
Transmural inflammation,
Fistula 20,
Peri anal disease 25 total
24  cards
MRCS Classification Systems
Describe salter harris classifica...,
Most common salter harris fracture,
Weber fracture classification
20  cards
MRCS Clinical Conditions
What is the most common tumour of...,
Investigation of choice for achil...,
What test is diagnostic of achill...
89  cards
MRCS Embryology
Ductus arteriosus arises from alo...,
Common carotid comes from embryol...,
Arch of aorta is embroylogically ...
9  cards
MRCS Blood And Lymph
What are the 2 branches of the co...,
What 3 veins form the common femo...,
Which 5 ln groups does pancreatic...
15  cards
Lower GI Surgery
What are the arterial supplies to...,
Sma ima anastomosis,
How to identify imv
220  cards
Where do non traumatic intraparen...,
Define cavernous angioma,
What is the biggest cause of deat...
408  cards
MRCS part A- Principles of surgical oncology and breast and endocrine
Define chordoma,
What is the origin of chordoma,
What is the clinical picture of c...
302  cards
Misc eMRCS
Blood film findings post splenect...,
Where do giant cells come from,
Bloods tests for carcinoid tumour
319  cards
Dermoid cyst,
Cleft lip and palate,
Cystic hygroma
98  cards
Vascular COPY
What is the most common cause of ...,
Describe the timeline of acute li...,
How does treatment correlate to a...
77  cards
What is sebhorroeic keratosis,
What is congenital melanocytic naevi,
What is junctional melanocytic naevi
22  cards
Satia Cellula Injury
What are the two major forms of c...,
What is coagulative necrosis,
What is collquative necrosis
34  cards

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mrcs- physiology + surgery

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