This class was created by Brainscape user Nithin Bala. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

General deck
What are the features of myotonic...,
What are the symptoms of behchet ...,
What is seen on immunofluorescenc...
358  cards
Basic sciences
What is the mode of function of m...,
What is the protein mutation in m...,
What is the mechanism of action o...
46  cards
What are the conditions associate...,
What is the treatment for wolff p...,
What are the different medication...
73  cards
What are the symptoms of lofgren ...,
What is the treatment for lofgren...,
When do you consider immunosuppre...
38  cards
What test can be used to check fo...,
What tests can be used instead of...,
What are the features of severe p...
33  cards
infectious disease
How long does hiv seroconversion ...,
What are the features of acute sc...,
What is the treatment for acute s...
71  cards
Which aed is associated with stev...,
What are the features of wallenbe...,
Whats the difference in features ...
52  cards
clinical pharm
Which drugs inhibit calcineurin,
How does octreotide work in acute...,
What are the side effects of tras...
42  cards
What is the x ray findings of pri...,
How do sglt2 inhibitors cause eug...,
What is seen on thyroid scintigra...
27  cards
What gene is found to mutated in ...,
What is the tx of essential throm...,
What is the most common infection...
31  cards
What nephropathy is hiv associate...,
What are secondary causes of mini...,
What is seen on electron microsco...
60  cards
What antibody is positive in limi...,
What does crest syndrome involve,
What is the most common cardiac c...
13  cards
What do eczema herpeticum rash lo...,
What is the tx for acute porphyri...,
Which drugs can worsen psoriasis
14  cards

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mrcp p1

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Nithin Bala's MRCP p1 flashcards for their university of sheffield class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

We use an adaptive study algorithm that is proven to help you learn faster and remember longer....

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