This class was created by Brainscape user Kyle Snyder. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Amino Acids and Disease States
How can non essential amino acids...,
Amino acids are ___ at neutral ph
2  cards
Proteins and Metabolism
0  cards
Serum Proteins and Methods
Where are most plasma proteins sy...,
Where are immunoglobulins synthes...,
Where is hemoglobin synthesized
94  cards
Enzymes & Kinetics
What are some general properties ...,
What is the energy of activation ...,
What are the six enzyme classific...
41  cards
Clinical Enzymes
0  cards
Cardiac Function
Describe what occurs when a patie...,
What three organs does hypertensi...,
What occurs in hypertensive heart...
27  cards
Carbohydrates & Metabolism
The two forms of carbohydrates ar...,
Determine the following structure,
Determine the following structure
71  cards
Pancreatic Function
What are the two morphologically ...,
Digestive fluid within the pancre...,
Pancreatic fluid has about the sa...
25  cards
Lipids and Lipoproteins
Lipids are soluble in ___,
Lipids are ___ elements of biomem...,
Lipids are a source of biochemica...
30  cards
Liver Function
What is the function of the hepat...,
What is the function of the porta...,
Hepatocytes within the liver incl...
48  cards
Exam 2 Cram
Patients that have prehepatic jau...,
Describe gilbert s syndrome,
Describe type i crigler najjar sy...
25  cards
Acid-Base Balance
Total co2,
Enzyme used during the bicarbonat...,
Carbonic acid is proportional to ___
26  cards
Blood Gases
Tube type used for blood gases,
What type of sample anaerobic aer...,
How will co2 ph and o2 be affecte...
35  cards
Renal Function and Nonprotein Nitrogen
What is increased in plasma indic...,
Define azotemia,
What is the best laboratory evalu...
27  cards
Water Balance
To maintain homeostasis the body ...,
During a metabolic imbalance what...,
Intracellular fluid icf makes up ...
11  cards
The major cation of extracellular...,
___ of sodium is reabsorbed in th...,
Reference range of sodium
52  cards
0  cards
Minerals, Nutrition, Vitamins, and Trace Elements
Magnesium is the second most abun...,
Function of magnesium,
Where is magnesium absorbed and r...
60  cards
Therapeutic Drug Markers
The mechanism of action is define...,
For drug administration the paren...,
Drug action is ___ mediated at th...
80  cards
Hemoglobin & Porphyrins
Porphyrins are synthesized in the,
What is the most common way to di...,
What determines solubility in por...
33  cards

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mls 421 clinical chemistry ii

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