This class was created by Brainscape user Joannie D. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (55)

Integumentary System
Diseases and Conditions
64  cards
Integumentary Diagnostic procedures
Removal of a small piece of livin...,
Any test in which a suspected all...,
The most common skin cancer cause...
8  cards
Integumentary Medical and surgical procedures
Use of subfreezing temperature co...,
Removal of foreign material damag...,
Tissue destruction by means of hi...
14  cards
Integumentary Medications
Kill bacteria that cause skin inf...,
Kill fungi that infect the skin,
Reduce severe itching
4  cards
Integumentary Random
Pertaining to the skin,
Wound injury or pathological chan...,
Pertaining to a system or the who...
31  cards
Cardiovascular system Diseases and Conditions
Surgical procedure that opens a b...,
What does art carry large blood v...,
Microscopic blood vessels joining...
49  cards
Cardiovascular Diagnostic procedures
Insertion of a small tube cathete...,
Battery of blood tests performed ...,
Ultrasound technique that records...
19  cards
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Prevent clotting or coagulation o...,
Slow the heart rate and reduce th...,
Relieve chest pain associated wit...
12  cards
Cardiovascular Random
A valve in the heart that contain...,
An enlarged heart,
Swollen distended veins mostly fo...
3  cards
Respiratory System
Pertaining to the lungs,
Molecular exchange of oxygen and ...,
Pertaining to the thorax or thora...
87  cards
General medical terms
Identification of a disease or co...,
The study of cells,
Wound or injury
4  cards
Respiratory Diagnostic Procedures
I need to see the man to tell me ...,
Polly really needed to get some s...,
Incision into the trachea tracheo...
13  cards
Respiratory pharmacology
Dilate constricted airways by rel...,
Suppress the inflammatory reactio...,
Improve the ability to cough up m...
6  cards
Respiratory application
The diagnosis of a patient who is...,
The muscle that separates the lun...,
Deficiency of oxygen in body tissues
23  cards
Digestive System Terminology
That long flexible tube is going ...
65  cards
Combining Forms
Nephroi gave my nephew a kidney
124  cards
Digestive system diseases and conditions
Inflammation of the intestine esp...,
How was the water in mexico not b...,
The colon will sometimes develop ...
24  cards
Digestive Diagnostic procedures
Radiographic examination of the r...,
Radiographic examination of the e...,
Radiographic examination of the b...
5  cards
Digestive Medical and surgical procedures
Any of a group of procedures used...,
Bariatric surgery in which the up...,
Bariatric surgery in which the st...
8  cards
Digestive pharmacology
Neutralize acids in the stomach,
Neutralize acids in the stomach
5  cards
Blood, lymphatic and Immune Systems
Is the study of the blood and blo...,
Physicians who specialize in the ...,
Hematologists hematologists treat...
26  cards
Blood system disease and conditions
Blood disorder characterized by a...,
Failure of bone marrow to produce...,
Deficiency of erythrocytes result...
6  cards
Diseases and Conditions Lymphatic & Immune sys
Transmissible infection caused by...,
Malignancy of connective tissue i...,
Inflammation and enlargement of t...
12  cards
Blood, lymphatic, immune diagnostic procedures
Removal of a small amount of tiss...,
Series of blood tests to determin...,
Test to screen blood for presence...
11  cards
blood, lymph and Immune pharmacology
Prevent or delay blood coagulation,
Vaccination or injection of immun...,
Suppress the immune response to p...
7  cards
Body Structure
Toward the front of the body orga...,
Pertaining to the front and back ...,
Pertaining to below lower or towa...
84  cards
Infection of the kidneys ureters ...,
Elevated level of urea and other ...,
High blood pressure that results ...
71  cards
Urinary Diagnostic Procedures
Laboratory test that measures the...,
Laboratory test that isolates and...,
Radiographic examination to deter...
10  cards
Urinary medical and surgical procedures
Insertion of a catheter hollow fl...,
Insertion of a rigid or flexible ...,
Method of removing stones by crus...
7  cards
Urinary Pharmacology
Treat bacterial infections of the...,
Decrease spasms in the urethra an...,
Block reabsorption of sodium by t...
3  cards
Reproductive System
Oophor o andovari o,
Salping o,
Cervic o
44  cards
Reproductive system diagnostic procedures
Examination of the vagina and cer...,
Radiography of the uterus and ovi...,
Visual examination of the abdomin...
9  cards
Female reproductive medical and surgical procedures
Obstetric procedure in which a no...,
Surgical procedure that widens th...,
Surgical removal of the uterus a ...
13  cards
Male Reproductive medical and surgical procedures
Surgical removal of the foreskin ...,
Surgical procedure to relieve obs...,
3  cards
Reproductive pharmacology
Treat vaginal fungal infection su...,
Treat symptoms of menopause hot f...,
Synthetic hormone used to correct...
8  cards
Endocrine System
Ability of the body to maintain a...,
Chemical substance produced by sp...,
Growth and development sexual fun...
54  cards
Reproductive abbreviations
Cs c section,
D c,
24  cards
Endocrine System Diagnostic procedures
Test that measures glucose levels...,
Test in which a patient fasts for...,
Imaging procedure that measures l...
6  cards
Endocrine Medical and surgical procedures
Removal of one lobe in treatment ...,
Excision of the thymus gland in c...,
3  cards
Endocrine pharmocology
Synthetic hormone used to correct...,
Replace insulin in patients with ...,
Treat type 2 diabetes by stimulat...
13  cards
Endocrine abbreviations
Antidiuretic hormone,
Blood sugar
14  cards
Nervous system
Process of thought including reas...,
Electrical signal transmitted alo...,
66  cards
Nervous System diagnostic procedures
Laboratory test that examines a s...,
Electrodes are placed on the scal...,
3  cards
Nervous system medical and surgical procedures
Surgical procedure that creates a...,
Partial destruction of the thalam...,
Excision of a circular disk of bo...
4  cards
Nervous system pharmacology
Produce partial or complete loss ...,
Produce complete loss of feeling ...,
Produce loss of feeling and affec...
8  cards
musculoskeletal System
Surgery to reshape reconstruct or...,
Inflammation of a joint usually a...,
Connection between two bones also...
85  cards
Musculoskeletal combining forms
Bone cells,
Pain in the bones,
Disease of bones and joints
21  cards
Musculoskeletal Diseases and Conditions
Group of hereditary diseases char...,
Autoimmune neuromuscular disorder...,
Injury to the capsule of the shou...
29  cards
musculoskeletal diagnostic procedures
Puncture of a joint space with a ...,
Visual examination of the interio...
7  cards
Musculoskeletal Pharmacology
Reduce the reabsorption of bones ...,
Treat rheumatoid arthritis by inh...,
Relieve muscle spasms pain and st...
4  cards
Special Senses Eyes and Ears
Study concerned with the eyes the...,
Jobs of an opthamologist include,
An exam from an opthamologist can...
60  cards
Eyes and Ears diseases and conditions
A without notchromat color opsia ...,
Refractive disorder in which exce...
21  cards
Ear and Eyes diagnostic procedures
Test to measure the pressure insi...,
Standard eye examination to deter...,
Test that measures hearing acuity...
8  cards
Ears and Eyes Surgical Procedures
Excision of a lens affected by a ...,
Excision of the lens by ultrasoni...,
Excision of a portion of the iris...
9  cards
ear and eye pharmacology
Reduce intraocular pressure by de...,
Cause the pupil to constrict
7  cards

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medical terminology

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