This class was created by Brainscape user Stacy DeLaurier. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

ch 14 blueprint
What area of the kidney is involv...,
If reabsorption in the tubules be...,
In what way would fluid overload ...
29  cards
When we perform a test with contr...,
What is another name for a ventri...,
What is another name for atrial g...
35  cards
What are the steps we take when a...,
Describe the following forms of e...,
Describe the following forms of e...
54  cards
Ostomy and Skin Disorders
When inspecting the stoma what ar...,
What are some abnormal findings w...,
When placing a pouch why is it so...
45  cards
final blueprint
What is the chief intracellular c...,
What is the chief extracellular c...,
What are signs and symptoms of fl...
32  cards
musculoskeletal, fractures, amputations
What is the pathophysiology of os...,
What class is the drug leflunomid...,
To control chronic pain for osteo...
56  cards
Endocrine disorders
In acromegaly what is the purpose...,
What is the pre operative teachin...,
An excess of what hormone causes ...
46  cards
chapter 46 - diabetes
What is diabetes type 1 and what ...,
What is diabetes type 2 and what ...,
Why would a patient with type 1 d...
23  cards
Neuro, CVA, Spinal Injury
What is the neural synapse,
What is an abnormal neurological ...,
What is the most reliable indicat...
69  cards
exam 5
What histamine releasing mas cell...,
With passive acquired immunity wh...,
What is a large shift to the left...
87  cards
exam 6
What side effect should the nurse...,
At what age a woman should have a...,
Know what teaching for a patient ...
69  cards

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medical-surgical nursing

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