This class was created by Brainscape user Lani Manners. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (47)

Intravenous Solutions
3 types of solutions,
What differentiates the different...,
40  cards
Intravenous Therapy
Purpose for iv therapy,
Iv fluid is also called,
Why are allergies more concerning...
51  cards
Electrolyte Disturbances (Online Lecture)
Calcium is ecf icf or both,
Where is majority of calcium located,
Role of calcium
95  cards
Fluid Balance Disturbances
Risk factors for fluid balance di...,
Fluid balance disturbances varies...,
Obese have more or less fluid
77  cards
ABG Values
Ph normal,
Pao2 normal,
Paco2 normal
27  cards
Allergic Reactions
Hypersensitive reaction to an all...,
14  cards
Assessment of Respiratory Function (Online Lecture)
Changes in respiratory status are...,
Bleeding does what to respirations,
Upper respiratory
72  cards
Upper Respiratory Disorders
How to prevent respiratory infect...,
Biggest transmitter,
We should educate elderly to
41  cards
Health Care of Older Adult (Online Lecture)
For the aging population we shoul...,
Are falls expected with age progr...,
What could falls be a sign of
23  cards
LGBTQ+ Patients (Online Lecture)
Gender nonconformity
9  cards
Lower Respiratory Disorders: PE, Trauma, Cancer
Pulmonary emboli definition,
Pulmonary emboli obstructed area ...,
Pulmonary emboli effect on heart
29  cards
Lower Respiratory Disorders: Inflammatory and Infectious Disorders
Atelectasis disease process,
Atelectasis common causes,
Atelectasis prevention
53  cards
Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders: Chronic Pulmonary Disorders (Online Lecture)
Copd disorders,
Copd double c,
Why do copd patients have difficu...
38  cards
Fluid volume deficit hypovolemia ...,
Fluid volume deficit hypovolemia ...,
Fluid volume deficit hypovolemia ...
116  cards
Coronary Vascular Disorders (Online Lecture)/Coronary Vascular Disorders Acute Coronary Syndrome
Acute ischemic heart diseasewhat ...,
Diagnoses under acute coronary sy...,
Chronic stable angina definition
160  cards
Hypertension (Online Lecture)
If you appropriately manage hyper...,
Hypertension isunder or over repo...,
What might trigger a patient to s...
58  cards
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection Asthma
Air flow obstruction creates what...,
Production of what can effect ven...,
Is asthma intermittent
35  cards
Vascular and Peripheral Circulation Disorders
Peripheral vascular disease,
Arteries and arterioles,
Veins and venules
117  cards
Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders
Lips actinic cheilitis,
Mouth leukoplakia,
Mouth lichen planus
56  cards
Assessment and Diagnostics for Gastrointestinal Disorders (Online Lecture)
Where does the gi tract start and...,
Accessory organs
29  cards
Gastric Duodenal Ulcers
Can gastritis be acute or chronic,
Acute gastritis onset
85  cards
Disorders of the Lower GI Tract
For occult blood tests this will ...,
Two types of ostomies,
With any ostomie what area is at ...
74  cards
Inflammatory Disorders of the GI Tract
Two types of inflammatory bowel d...,
What is the cause of inflammatory...,
Thrones disease
31  cards
Hepatitis (Online Lecture)
Liver is located where,
Liver has how many lobes,
Liver receives blood from the
100  cards
Gall Bladder Disorders (Online Lecture)
38  cards
Exam 2 Practice Exam
Diarrhea is likely to cause what ...,
Older adult just started on beta ...,
Elderly diuretics you manage what
60  cards
Exam 2 Medications
Aspirin class,
Aspirin dose,
Aspirin warning
76  cards
Assessment and Management of Diabetes Overview (Part 1 and 2)
Pre diabetes,
Type 1
54  cards
Assessment and Management of Diabetes Complications (Part 3)
Complications of diabetes,
Hypoglycemia numbers,
Severe hypoglycemia number
37  cards
Rapid acting insulin drug names,
Rapid acting insulin onset,
Rapid acting insulin peak
20  cards
Bariatric Surgical Procedures (Online Lecture)
Morbid obesity,
Medical management includes weigh...,
First approach aimed at weight lo...
52  cards
Eye and Vision Disorders (Online Lecture)
Vision impairment,
Low vision,
33  cards
Hearing Disorders (Online Lectures)
Risk factors,
Types of hearing loss,
18  cards
Hematology and Immunology Neoplasms
Acute myeloid leukemia definition,
Acute myeloid leukemia bleeding i...,
Acute myeloid leukemia common
28  cards
Hematology and Immunology Neutropenia and Bleeding Disorders
Medications that alter platelets,
Neutropenia defintion,
Neutropenia risk
36  cards
Hematology and Immunology Anemias
Anemia defintion,
3 causes types of anemia,
What is hypo proliferative
29  cards
Immunodeficiency and HIV
Primary vs secondary immunocompro...,
Since these patients are at risk ...,
When we suspect an infection what...
47  cards
Hematology and Immunology Assessment, Diagnostic Procedures, and Transfusions (Online Lecture)
History includes,
Why do we want to know about nutr...,
What are some medications we want...
63  cards
Sickle Cell Anemia (Online Lecture)
How do you get sickle cell,
What do sickle cell rbc look like,
How long do sickle cells live for
31  cards
Neurological Conditions
Risk factors for infection,
Meningitis types
103  cards
Seizures & Headaches
Symptoms depend on what,
Classification of seizures 2
33  cards
Degenerative Disorders Parkinson's Disease (Online Lecture)
Parkinsons disease,
Characterized by,
22  cards
Musculoskeletal System
What do we need to rule out a fra...,
Where is the neurovascualr assmen...,
45  cards
Metabolic Bone Disorders (Online Lecture)
Osteoporosis defintion,
Osteoporosis precursor,
Osteoporosis primary
48  cards
Men and Women's Health (Online Lecture)
Total hysterectomy,
Radical hysterectomy
40  cards
Exam 3 Changed Color Notes on Slides *Except Bone & Men/Women Health
Insulin is always needed for trea...,
Managing type one diabetics,
Symptoms of type 2 diabetics
178  cards
Final Exam Main Points Review
Priority for small bowel obstruction,
Warfarin and heparin what do we c...,
Abdominal aorta rupture s s
78  cards

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med surg 1

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