lecom ms1 embryology

This class was created by Brainscape user Elizabeth Dower. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Embryology Introduction (Exam 1)
What are the three main developme...,
When does the early developmental...,
When does the embryonic period occr
73  cards
Gametogenesis (Exam 1)
What are primordial germ cells,
Where do primordial germ cells or...,
Where do primordial germ cells mi...
140  cards
The First Week (Exam 1)
How many sperm will fertilize a s...,
Will the oocyte lose the zona pel...,
What is the corona radiata a remn...
67  cards
The Second Week (Exam 1)
What are the rule of 2s seen duri...,
What are the two layers of cells ...,
What does the trophoblast give ri...
102  cards
The Third Week (Exam 1)
What is the appearance of the emb...,
What is gastrulation,
What does gastrulation establish
50  cards
Embryonic and Fetal Period (Exam 1)
When is the embryonic period,
How is the age of the embryo expr...,
How is the size of embryo measured
104  cards
Axial Skeleton (Exam 1)
What mesoderm layer gives rise to...,
What does the paraxial mesoderm g...,
What occurs to most of the somito...
172  cards
Development of Body Cavities (Exam 2)
What layer of the embryo is close...,
What will lateral plate mesoderm ...,
What does intermediate mesoderm g...
94  cards
Development of GI System (Exam 2)
What is the function of the vitel...,
What layers contribute to the gut...,
What does the endoderm contribute...
91  cards
Vasculature (Exam 2)
0  cards
Development of the Heart (Exam 2)
What is the function of the post ...,
What is the function of embryonic...,
How is the primary heart field fo...
54  cards
Development of the Reproductive System (Exam 2)
When does the development of the ...,
What are the 4 stages of developm...,
What does the intermediate mesode...
139  cards
Placenta (Exam 2)
What does the fetal part of the p...,
What are the fetal membranes,
What are the functions of the pla...
78  cards
Development of the Urinary System (Exam 2)
What is the upper urinary system ...,
What is the lower urinary system ...,
What will mesoderm differentiate ...
98  cards
Pharyngeal Arches (Exam 3)
When will the pharyngeal apparatu...,
Where does the pharyngeal apparat...,
What is the pharyngeal apparatus ...
85  cards
Face, Skull, Palate (Exam 3)
What is positional plagiocephaly,
What are the two different parts ...,
Where is the neurocranium found
98  cards
Eye and Ear Development (Exam 3)
What causes congenital deafness,
How long does the ear take to dev...,
What allows the middle ear to be ...
114  cards
Integument (Exam 3)
What is the epidermis derived from,
What are the three stages of epid...,
What occurs in the first stage of...
39  cards
Chapter 9 (Exam 3)
What percent of newborns will dis...,
What percent of newborns will dis...,
What percent of infant deaths do ...
45  cards

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lecom ms1 embryology

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