kidneys and hormones

This class was created by Brainscape user Nora Elena Sondresen Kvam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (39)

Post storyline quiz answers
Why can the effects of epinephrin...,
Why is it difficult to make insul...,
How do tyrosine kinases work
17  cards
Clinical aspects of adrenal function
What types of hormones are secret...,
What are steroid hormones derived...,
What are the hormones released by...
37  cards
Genetic kidney disease - Polycystic kidney disease
What are types of genetic differe...,
What is a characteristic of an au...,
What is a characteristic of a x l...
20  cards
Type I Diabetes Mellitus
What can cause type i dm,
What are the differences between ...,
What is the major treatment for t...
23  cards
Endocrine pancreas
What are the two parts of a pancreas,
What are the characteristics of a...,
What are the characteristics of a...
11  cards
Type II diabetes
What are the features of type ii ...,
What are the two mechanisms by wh...,
Characteristics of insulin resist...
13  cards
Regulation of plasma glucose
What is the normal range of plasm...,
What is hypoglycemia,
What happens to the body during h...
28  cards
Thyroid gland
What does the hypothalamus release,
What does the anterior pituitary ...,
How does the trh travel to the pi...
11  cards
Thyroid disorders
How can we classify thyroid disor...,
Why is classification of thyroid ...,
What are possible causes of thyro...
20  cards
Describe the structure and locati...,
What does pth do,
What happens if adenoma develops ...
16  cards
Introduction to endocronology
What are the different types of c...,
What are the 3 categories of chem...,
What are examples of steroid horm...
24  cards
Hormone synthesis
What type of hormone is insulin,
What are the steps of making insulin,
What is the structure of preproin...
15  cards
Pattern of hormone secretion
What is a circadian rhythm,
What drives the circadian rhythm,
What does the circadian clock do
16  cards
Pituitary gland and hypothalamus
What is the pituitary gland known as,
What are structural properties of...,
Why are pituitary adenomas often ...
46  cards
Adrenal gland
Characteristics of adrenal gland,
What is the function of the adren...,
What are the two areas of the adr...
31  cards
Posterior pituitary
What is the origin of the two par...,
What is the name of the upwards i...,
What is the name of the downward ...
34  cards
Chronic Kidney Disease
What is a chronic kidney disease,
What are the ways to diagnose ckd,
What are the causes of ckd
12  cards
Complications of CKD
What are the complications of ckd,
Examples of hormonal disturbances...,
Why does fluid accumulate in ckd
27  cards
Dialysis - theory
What are the aims of dialysis,
What are the steps of haemodialys...,
Why does the blood and dialysate ...
17  cards
Dialysis - the practicalities
What are the two forms of dialysi...,
What is haemodialysis,
What is peritoneal dialysis
28  cards
Kidney transplant
What are the two possible complic...,
What technique was used in the ea...,
What are the two sources of donor...
23  cards
Immune aspects of kidney transplant
Do transplantations between non i...,
What does hla stand for,
What does hla do
41  cards
Vascular and interstitial disease
What is the phenotype of normal b...,
What happens when there is damage...,
How do endothelial cells change f...
25  cards
Pre-renal kidney disease
What are the two types of pre ren...,
How can you measure acute pre ren...,
What are the 3 categories of kidn...
15  cards
Functional perfusion of the kidney
Which organ has the highest blood...,
What is the average blood flow to...,
What is the average plasma flow t...
43  cards
Tubular injury
What parts of the kidney fall und...,
What 3 categories can we divide r...,
Why are the tubules often the sit...
13  cards
Post-renal causes of kidney damage
How is post renal kidney damage c...,
What route does urine take,
What happens once the passage of ...
14  cards
Glomerular disease
What are the 3 different cell typ...,
What is the role of the endotheli...,
What is the role of the podocytes
38  cards
Introduction to nephrology
What vessel supplies the kidney w...,
What vessel drains the kidney wit...,
Where does the urine travel
42  cards
Sodium and water transport along the nephron
How many moles of sodium are filt...,
How many moles of sodium are excr...,
How many litres of blood are filt...
54  cards
Uraemia and uraemic toxins
What is uraemia,
What are the characteristics of u...,
Is it known which uraemic toxins ...
24  cards
Measuring kidney function
What is renal clearance,
Which substances can be used to m...,
What is the maximum possible rena...
28  cards
Formation of filtrate
What is the ultrafiltrate,
What is the diameter of the glome...,
What is the length of the glomeru...
24  cards
Endocrine and neuronal regulation of blood pressure
What are the two ways in which bl...,
What controls short term regulati...,
What controls long term regulatio...
44  cards
Basics of acid base balance
Why is it important to regulate b...,
What will excess protons do to pr...,
Body reactions produce enough aci...
37  cards
Mechanisms of obtaining acid base balance
Where in the tubule does resorpti...,
How is bicarbonate resorption imp...,
Is bicarbonate resorption an acti...
21  cards
Water balance
What determines the plasma volume...,
What is hyperosmolality,
What are the symptoms of hyperosm...
45  cards
CKD epidimeology in the west
What is the meaning behind the pr...,
What are the factors affecting th...,
What are the fators affecting the...
16  cards
Diabetes mellitus - general
What is diabetes mellitus,
What happens normally in out body...,
What happens if blood glucose ris...
19  cards

More about
kidneys and hormones

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