This class was created by Brainscape user Clyde Silverio. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Infectious - Internal Medicine
Diagnose 20 m painful penile rash...,
Diagnose 20 m non painful rash on...,
Diagnose 20 m painful penile rash...
133  cards
GI - Buzz words only
Left over rice,
Mayonnaise eggs egg salad potato ...,
Bulging canned goods honey
13  cards
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the mechanism of action o...
176  cards
Antifungal drug class that alter ...,
Antifungal drug class that block ...,
Antifungal drug class that block ...
41  cards
Antiviral drugs that block viral ...,
Most hematotoxic anti hiv drug,
Hiv antiviral associated with pan...
65  cards
Drugs for amebiasis tissue amebicide,
Drugs for amebiasis luminal amebi...,
Drugs for amebiasis asymptomatic ...
40  cards
What is the drug of choice for ec...,
What is the drug of choice for a ...,
What is the drug of choice for yo...
46  cards
Can cause dose dependent toxicity...,
Cite examples of tissue schizonti...,
Cite examples of bloodschizonticides
35  cards
___ inhibits mycolic acid synthesis,
Most important drug used in treat...,
Causes neurotoxicity
31  cards
Empiric Treatment - Based on organism
Gram negative cocci aerobic m cat...,
Gram negative cocci aerobic n gon...,
Gram negative cocci aerobic n men...
42  cards
Empiric Therapy - Based on Site
Acute bacterial endocarditis,
Subacute bacterial endocarditis,
Septic arthritis child
34  cards
Virology - Microbio Handout
Dna virus that is not icosahedral,
Rna virus that is not helical,
Rna virus wuth icosahedral symmetry
209  cards
Protozoan - Microbio Handout
Types of host parasite attans sex...,
Types of host harbos asexual or l...,
Types of host does not develop fu...
117  cards
Nematode, Cestode - Microbio handout
Pharma doc for ascaris,
Pharma doc for ancylostoma and ne...,
Pharma doc for trichuris
134  cards
Diagnosis pseudomembranous esopha...,
Diagnosis pseudomembratous pharyn...,
Diagnosis pseudomembranous colitis
74  cards
What are your mobile genetic elem...,
Prokaryote eukaryote dna within a...,
Prokaryote eukaryote membrane bou...
132  cards
Diagnostic Microbiology
___ nutritive substance which cul...,
Media for growth egg yolk,
Media for growth tellurite
36  cards
Gram Positive
What are your gram positive aerob...,
What are your gram positive anaer...,
What are your gram positive aerob...
139  cards
Gram Negative
Cite examples of your aerobic dip...,
How will you distinguis n meningi...,
Maltose utilization negativeaerob...
130  cards
Zoonoses and Miscellaneous
Can cause undulating fever after ...,
What is the tick vector of f tula...,
What are the reservoir host of f ...
33  cards
What factor seen in m tuberculosi...,
Type of leprosy associated with t...,
Type of leprosy associated with h...
71  cards
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
In primary tb the initial infecti...,
Primary tb is often seen in,
Ghon focus is usually seen in wha...
33  cards
Pediatric Infections
Diagnosis red eye in neonates red...,
Diagnosis red eye in neonates mil...,
Diagnosis red eye in neonates ede...
101  cards
OBGYN - Infectious diseases
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most frequent complic...
84  cards

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infectious disease (osi type)

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