immune and lymphatic system

This class was created by Brainscape user Georgina Jolliffe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

What is haemostasis,
How quickly after injury does hem...,
What are the three main processes...
56  cards
Cells of the blood
Function of circulatory system,
Functions of blood,
What happens when you centrifuge ...
69  cards
Wound healing
What are the four main stages of ...,
Function of macrophage in wound h...,
Function of fibroblasts in wound ...
24  cards
Overview of the anatomy of the lower limb
What are the four major parts of ...,
Where is the leg,
What are the two rings of the ing...
94  cards
Lumbosacral plexus
What is a rhizotomy,
What does a spinal nerve divide into,
What is a mixed spinal nerve
54  cards
Introduction to microbiology
Would you expect to find microorg...,
Would you expect to find microorg...,
Would you expect to find microorg...
44  cards
Overview of the lymphatics system
What is the lymphatics system,
What is lymph,
Function of the lymph
50  cards
How to fight infection and the body's response
Describe the barriers the body ha...,
What is phagocytosis,
How does the body respond to bact...
46  cards
Innate immunity
Why do we need an immune response,
Physical barriers,
Characteristics of viruses
69  cards
Adaptive immunity
Characteristics of adaptive immunity,
Functions of adaptive immune system,
What are the three main cells in ...
87  cards
Bacterial story board
How does the body fight a bacteri...,
Characteristics of innate immunity,
What do surface lipopolysaccharid...
27  cards
Viral story board
Process of fighting a viral infec...,
What does ifn alpha do,
What do host cells do when infect...
10  cards
Cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation
How can we keep patients safe,
When should you be cleaning hands,
How do bacteria divide
26  cards
Blood, sensory and motor nerve supply of the lower limb
Which vein takes blood from groin...,
What happens to the external ilia...,
Are perineal and fibular the same...
52  cards
Anatomy of locomotion
What is resting posture,
Which muscles make up the triceps...,
What is static posture
44  cards
Diverse world of viruses
How much does the common cold cos...,
Which pathogens can cause common ...,
Which mosquito transmits zika
55  cards
Child health and inequalities
Why is childrens health important,
Risk factors for metabolic disease,
What are health inequalities
26  cards
How is infection diagnosed
Factors to consider when you are ...,
What must be recorded when we pre...,
What makes a sample relevant and ...
21  cards
Imaging of the lower limb
What is the ischial tuberosity,
What do flakes of calcification i...,
Features of the pelvis
36  cards
How do micro-organisms cause disease
Common symptoms of infection,
What is diarrhoea caused by,
What is an infection
55  cards
Microbial diagnostic tests
What does pcr do,
What is used to carry out tempera...,
How is pcr carried out
36  cards
What is inflammation,
Two types of inflammation,
Signs of infection
34  cards
Temperature regulation
What is temperature,
What is a cal,
How many joules is in a cal
50  cards
Inside major lower limb joints
59  cards
Common fractures of upper and lower limb
Transverse fracture,
Oblique fracture,
Spiral fracture
66  cards
Foot and ankle injuries
Where is the leg,
What is a foot,
What is the hind foot
63  cards
Communicable disease control and infection in childhood
Risk factors for unintentional ch...,
Unintentional injuries to 5 year ...,
What does prevalence mean
11  cards

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immune and lymphatic system

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