This class was created by Brainscape user tcarlso 3. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

What is the usual value for hemat...,
What is the moa of stroke and mi ...,
What is the lifespain of lymphocy...
70  cards
RBC and cancer metabolism
After 120 days rbcs aredegraded b...,
What is intravascular hemolysis,
What is the key biological marker...
72  cards
Iron and Heme
What is the form of iron found in...,
Why cant fe be found in the free ...,
What are the two storage forms of fe
60  cards
Normal and abnormal Hemoglobin
What is the most common type of h...,
True or false all of the heme gro...,
What is responsible for the sigmo...
59  cards
Folate Metabolism
What are the sources of folate wh...,
What is the usual form of folate ...,
What are the two major chemical p...
46  cards
Clinical Labs
What is anisocytosis,
What is poikilocytosis,
What does normocytic mean
72  cards
Pathologies of Anemia
What is the definition of anemia,
What is the practical definition ...,
Is anemia a symptom or a disease
48  cards
Microcytic anemia
Is anemia ever a concludin diganosis,
What are the severe symptoms of a...,
What are the four charateristics ...
73  cards
Anemia 2
What level of hb defines anemia i...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
How long does it take for b12 def...
75  cards
Anemia 3
What are the three classification...,
What are the signs symptoms of he...,
What is the preferential site of ...
36  cards
What is the protein that is activ...,
What is the function of thrombin,
What is the protein found on plat...
100  cards
What are the components of vircho...,
What are the two sites in vessels...,
True or false thrombi are usually...
66  cards
What is thrombocytopenia,
What are the three underlying cau...,
What is the normal ranges of plat...
52  cards
What is the type of mosquitoes th...,
What is the causative agent of ma...,
What are the five species of plas...
62  cards
What is the the study of immunohe...,
What are antigens,
What is the purpose of antigens o...
52  cards
Blood Component Therapy
What are the two methods to get b...,
What is apheresis,
What happens to a unit of donated...
73  cards
Blood Component therapy II
What is the pathophysiology of tr...,
What are the antibodies that are ...,
What is the presentation of trali
46  cards
Peds Heme I
What are the components of the cbc,
What is the normal rr for a neonate,
What is the normal range of pmns
55  cards
Hematological Malignancies
What is ca considered invasive,
What are the six main properties ...,
What are cancers that begin in th...
88  cards
Peds I
What are the three characteristic...,
Is an 115 hb level normal for a 6...,
True or false cholecystectomy at ...
68  cards
Peds II
Why is it that there is a decreas...,
What is the significance of tachy...,
What is the best way to different...
3  cards
Surgical oncology
What type of lung cancer is incur...,
What is the negative margin,
What is the negative margin for e...
15  cards
What is the most common type of r...,
What is the moa of cryoablation,
True or false you can monitor the...
44  cards
Radiation overview
What are the three most common ca...,
What are the three most common ca...,
What are the four most common cau...
52  cards
Myeloproliferative and myelodyplasia
Who is usually diagnosed with mds,
What is the phenotype of mds,
Those with mds have an increase r...
76  cards
Plasma cell dyscrasias
What is the primary treatment for...,
How do you differentiate between ...,
What is the cause of multiple mye...
60  cards
CHildhood CA
How many children are diagnosed w...,
What is the death rate of cancer ...,
What is the number 1 cause of dis...
148  cards
Acute leukemias
What is the median age of onset f...,
What is the 5 year survival rate ...,
What is the median age of onset f...
55  cards
Common presentation of hematological malignancies
What are the microcytic anemias,
What does ferritin measure,
What does tibc measure
34  cards
Pathology of Lymphoma
What are the two major distinctio...,
What are the malignancies that co...,
What are the lymphomas that arise...
76  cards
Lymphoma II
What are the ages of hodgkins lym...,
Who gets hodgkins lymphoma,
What is the survival rate of hodg...
59  cards
Oncological Emergencies
What are oncological emergencies,
Varices over the chest is likely ...,
What are the tumors that can caus...
63  cards

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