This class was created by Brainscape user Isabelle Withrock. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Muscle origins, actions and insertions - Thoracic limb
Superficial pectoral muscle,
Deep pectoral muscle,
Brachiocephalicus cleidobrachiali...
45  cards
Lecture 1 materials - bones
What is the median plane,
What is sagittal plane,
What is transverse plane
64  cards
Lecture 2 materials - joints
What is an articulation,
What are the 3 joint types,
What joints have the most freedom...
51  cards
Lecture 4 materials - Integumentary/skin
What are the functions of the int...,
What is the largest organ system ...,
What does the skin consist of
52  cards
Lecture 5 materials - Myology
What are the functions of muscles,
Is it true or false that only mus...,
Name the 3 types of muscle tissue
63  cards
Lecture 6 materials - radiogaph
How are x ray images made,
What factors affect absorption vs...,
What are the 5 radiographic opaci...
43  cards
Radiograph flashcards
What vertebrae are shown here,
What vertebrae are shown,
What vertebrae are shown
9  cards
Lecture 7 materials - Thoracic muscles
What are epaxial muscles,
What are hypaxial muscles,
Name the epaxial muscle groups
15  cards
Muscle actions, origins, insertions - Pelvic limb
Tensor fasciae latae,
Superficial gluteal,
Middle gluteal
29  cards
Muscle origins, insertions, actions - thoracic cavity
Serratus ventralis cervicis thoracis,
Serratus dorsalis cranialis
14  cards
Thoracic wall
What are sternal true ribs,
What are asternal false ribs,
What is the costal arch
47  cards
Cardiovascular anatomy
What are the 2 loops of general c...,
What is pulmonary circulation,
What is systemic circlation
81  cards
Intro to Nervous System
What are the 2 branches of the ne...,
What does the brain give rise to,
Describe the spinal cord
36  cards
Autonomic nervous system
What is the main function of the ...,
What components form the autonomi...,
What are the 2 branches of of the...
37  cards
Radiography 2
At what point of repsiration shou...,
How are lateral radiographic view...,
How are dorsoventral ventrodorsal...
41  cards
LAB - arteries, nerves, injuries
What are the artery components of...,
What are the artery components of...,
What is another word for the deep...
63  cards
Thoracic cavity radiographs
0  cards
Radiograph Flash 2
33  cards
Abdominal Cavity II
What are the segments of the smal...,
What are the segments of the larg...,
What quadrant is the stomach loca...
62  cards
Abdominal cavity III
What is the largest gland in the ...,
Name the 2 major functions of the...,
What of body weight is the averag...
48  cards
Urogenital system I
Does the duration of urination ch...,
What are the parts of the urinary...,
What is the major function of the...
66  cards
Urogenital system II - male
What is the proper ligament of th...,
What is the ligament of the tail ...,
What are the proper ligament of t...
45  cards
Urogenital system III - female
What are the 3 layers of peritone...,
What is the function of the mesov...,
What is the function of the mesos...
38  cards
Radiography lecture III
At what point of expiration shoul...,
What portion of the abdomen is vi...,
What are the standard views for a...
59  cards
In the aponeurosis of what muscle...,
What is the cranial border of the...,
What is the medial border of the ...
64  cards
Pelvic limb II
What muscle does the proximal cau...,
What muscles does the middle caud...,
What muscles does the distal caud...
83  cards
Radiographs III
Name the shaded areas,
Name circled structure,
Describe dimensions for
46  cards
Head radiographs
69  cards

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gross anatomy

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