This class was created by Brainscape user Jonathan Kallevang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Exam #1: Cell Injury & Death
What is cell injury,
List the major causes of cell injury,
What are the three modes of hypoxia
39  cards
Exam #1: Necrosis & Apoptosis
What are the six different types ...,
What is coagulative necrosis,
Where does coagulative necrosis n...
31  cards
Exam 1: Cellular Adaptations & Accumulations I
What is adaptation,
List some reversible changes that...,
What is physiologic adaptation
27  cards
Exam #1: Cellular Adaptations and Accumulations II
Review the process of lysosomal c...,
What is a primary lysosome,
What is a secondary lysosome
43  cards
Exam #1: Acute Inflammation I
What is the definition of inflamm...,
List the timescale for acute suba...,
What inflammatory cells mediate a...
37  cards
Exam #1: Acute Inflammation II
Generally how are organisms phago...,
What are the mediators of recogni...,
Describe the process of engulfment
58  cards
Exam #1: Chronic Inflammation
What is chronic inflammation,
What is the most common presentat...,
What are the causes of chronic in...
40  cards
Exam #1: Chronic Inflammation II
What is granulomatous inflammation,
What are the characteristics of g...,
When does granulomatous inflammat...
42  cards
Exam #1: Wound Healing
What is the definition of wound h...,
What is the difference between wo...,
Outline the model of wound healing
37  cards
Exam #2: Hemodynamics I
What are hemodynamic disorders,
Describe normal fluid hemostasis,
What is edema
48  cards
Exam #2: Hemodynamics II
What balance must be maintained i...,
What are the three general compon...,
Describe the sequence of clot for...
53  cards
Exam #2: Hemodynamics III
What is the difference between a ...,
How do you figure out if a person...,
What are the does dependent effec...
30  cards
Exam #2: Hemodynamics IV
What is virchow s triad,
What is the dominant influence on...,
Why is endothelial injury especia...
50  cards
Exam #2: Hemodynamics V
What is the definition of shock,
Outline the sequela of shock,
List the different classification...
45  cards
Exam #2: Neoplasia
What is the definition of neoplas...,
What is a neoplasm,
What are the common features of n...
43  cards
Exam #2: Neoplasia II
What are the four criteria used d...,
When does growth occur in normal ...,
What is the difference between no...
32  cards
Exam #2: Neoplasia III
Generally how does local invasion...,
What are the four steps to the in...,
Describe the process of detachmen...
61  cards
Exam #2: Neoplasia IV
What is dysplasia what are the ch...,
Describe the spectrum of neoplasi...,
What is cin1
44  cards
Exam #2: Neoplasia V
What is apc what are mutations in...,
What is brca 1 2 what are brca mu...,
What is rb what are rb mutations ...
43  cards
Exam #2: Neoplasia VI
What is the mechanism of uvb tumo...,
What is the pathway of dna repair...,
What is xeroderma pigementosum
66  cards
Exam #3: Molecular Pathology
What are four basic applications ...,
What is the definition of cytogen...,
What is cytogenetic analysis usef...
38  cards
Exam #3: Disease of Childhood & Infancy
What is a congenital anomaly,
What is the number one congenital...,
What is the second leading congen...
48  cards
Exam #3: Diseases of Childhood & Infancy II
What is an ascending infection,
What bacteria cause asecnding inf...,
What virus causes ascending infec...
43  cards
Exam #3: Diseases of Childhood & Infancy III
What are the four different types...,
What is an infantile myofibromatosis,
What is an aggressive infantile f...
42  cards
Exam #3: Immunopathology I
What is a type i hypersensitivity...,
What is a type ii hypersensitivit...,
What is a type iii hypersensitivi...
49  cards
Exam #3: Immuopathology II
What is conditioning regime,
What is timeline for acute gvhd,
What is the mechanism of acute gvhd
54  cards
Exam #3: Immunopathology III
What is sjogren s syndrome,
Is there a sex predominance to sj...,
What is sicca syndrome
47  cards
Exam #3: Immunodeficiencies
When should you be suspicious for...,
What is the difference between a ...,
What are the clinical manifestati...
28  cards
Exam #3: Immunodeficiency II
What is hyper igm syndrome,
What causes hyper igm sydrome,
What is the genetic basis of hype...
63  cards
Exam #3: Genetic Disorders
What is the definition of an auto...,
What are the four categories of a...,
What are the chances of an affect...
60  cards
Exam #3: Genetic Disorders II
How do autosomal recessive disord...,
What is alkaptonuria,
What causes alkaptonuria
55  cards
Exam #3: Genetic Disorders III
What are the trinucleotide repeat...,
What is the repeat seen in fragil...,
What is the repeat seen in huntin...
41  cards
Exam #3: Review
What is the incidence of down s s...,
What are the three major karyotyp...,
What is the inheritance patter of...
129  cards

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general pathology

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Jonathan Kallevang's General Pathology flashcards for their Des Moines University-Osteopathic Medical Center class now!

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