This class was created by Brainscape user Niamh Doyle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (67)

202  cards
Nouns: Easy French Ch 1
Le chat,
Le cinema,
Le cours
89  cards
Easy French Ch 5 -er Verbs with Spelling Changes
85  cards
Easy French Ch 5 Regular -re Verbs in Present Tense
Attendre with full conjugation in...,
Pronunciation of third person sin...,
13  cards
Easy French Ch 4 Regular -ir Verbs in Present Tense
Choisir including conjugation,
Choicer pronunciation of conjugat...,
21  cards
Easy French Ch 3 Regular -er Verbs Present Tense
Most french verbs have infinitive...,
All er verbs are regular except for,
The present tense endings for er ...
26  cards
Dudziak: être verbs (involving movement)
18  cards
Expressions with Avoir (Easy French)
J ai,
Tu as
25  cards
Expressions with etre (Easy French)
Etre a l heure,
Etre en retard,
Etre en avance
18  cards
11. Le Vebe "Avoir"
Pour indiquer l age in utilise le...,
Etre adjective avoir nom,
Pour exprimer une sensation de ma...
81  cards
16. Les Verbes en "ER" au Présent
En general vous dejeunez a midi a...,
La conjugaison des verbes premier...,
Vous etudiez le chinois john oui
84  cards
17. Le Temps (2)
En debut de phrase on dit,
Devant un verbe on dit depuis que,
Pour indique la duree prevue
34  cards
01h - Er Verbes/Present Tense
2 je __________ emmener ma niece ...,
3 vous __________ acheter un kilo...,
4 le sorcier __________ ensorcele...
20  cards
02c - -ir verbs in the present
2 ils finir __________ a dix huit...,
3 je remplir __________ les verre...,
4 nous investir __________ dans l...
10  cards
02b - -ir verbs in the present
To boil,
To run,
To cover
16  cards
02d - -ir verbs in the present
2 she opens the door,
3 you pick some flowers in floren...,
4 the car is slowing down
10  cards
02e - -re verbs in the present
To wait,
To defend to forbid,
To go down
15  cards
02f - -re verbs in the present
2 la presse anglaise repandre ___...,
3 vous rendre __________ les livr...,
4 ils vendre __________ des fruit...
10  cards
02e - Irregular -er Verbs
To learn,
To understand,
To undertake
15  cards
02g - -re verbs in the present
2 she takes the subway every day ...,
3 he often loses his keys _______...,
4 i can hear pierre on the street...
10  cards
03c - Povoir et Vouloir
She cannot come today,
Can you call him,
May i give you some information
22  cards
03b - Savoir et Connaître
The oir verbs do not all follow t...,
He knows this poem by heart,
They know how to manage their bus...
39  cards
03a - Avoir/Être
2 he is very hungry,
3 they are always right _________...,
4 are they french _______________...
10  cards
03d - - oir Verbs
To disappoint,
Must to have to,
To move to stir
30  cards
04a - Aller
They are going to paris at the en...,
She is not going to school tomorrow,
Use preposition a to at in to say...
39  cards
04b - Venir
Are you coming at eight this evening,
Where are they coming from,
Don t forget to inform us
36  cards
04c - Tenir et Faire
He holds his gloves in his hand,
Hold the door,
Tenir has several different meani...
63  cards
05a - Devoir
The verb devoir must to have to i...,
The verb devoir must to have to i...,
The verb devoir must to have to i...
33  cards
06a - Pronominal Verbs
He gets up at seven,
I go to bed at eleven,
He sits down on a bench
88  cards
07a - Passé Composé
Note that the passe compose can b...,
In the negative form ne n is plac...,
In the negative form ne n is plac...
39  cards
07b - Passé Composé
Many verbs conjugated with avoir ...,
Many verbs conjugated with avoir ...,
To acquire
131  cards
08a - Imparfait
To form the imperfect take the no...,
Note that the ais ait aient endin...,
Note that the ais ait aient endin...
115  cards
09a - Futur Simple
To form the futur simple of most ...,
To form the futur simple of most ...,
To form the futur simple of most ...
89  cards
10 - Plus-que-parfait
To form the plus que parfait use ...,
To form the plus que parfait use ...,
To form the plus que parfait use ...
70  cards
13 - Subjunctive
For most verbs the present of the...,
For most verbs the present of the...,
For most verbs the present of the...
174  cards
12 - Could, Should, Would
Could when could refers to a sing...,
Could when could refers to a sing...,
Could when could refers to a sing...
78  cards
20. Le Pronom "EN"
Le pronom en a la question il y a...,
En est necessaire meme quand la q...,
Un e est considere comme une quan...
75  cards
24. Le Pronom "Y"
Y remplace des noms de choses pre...,
Le pronom y pour les personnes on...,
Le pronom y avec les verbes de co...
28  cards
31. Le Conditionnel (1)
Le conditionnel l expression de l...,
Le conditionnel l expression de l...,
Le conditionnel l expression de l...
34  cards
35. Le Discours Indirect au Présent
Discours direct question simple r...,
Discours direct question avec int...,
Discours direct que qu est ce que...
22  cards
36. Le Gérondif
Le gerondif avoir,
Le gerondif faire,
Le gerondif verbe en cer
36  cards
39-A. Le Futur Proche
Le futur proche utilisation avec ...,
Le futur proche formation aller a...,
Le futur proche formation aller a...
39  cards
40-A. Le Passé Composé
Le passe compose le participe pas...,
Le passe compose le passe compose...,
Le passe compose le passe compose...
42  cards
40-B. Le Passé Composé
Phonetiquement on peut regrouper ...,
Phonetiquement on peut regrouper ...,
Phonetiquement on peut regrouper ...
71  cards
40-C. Le Passé Composé avec "Être" (verbes de déplacement)
Les verbes du type arriver partir...,
Les verbes du type arriver partir...,
Les verbes du type arriver partir...
70  cards
43 - C. L'Imparfait et Le Passé Composé
L imparfait et le passe compose e...,
L imparfait et le passe compose e...,
L imparfait et le passe compose d...
29  cards
43 - D. L'Imparfait (exercices)
Mettez le texte au passe il prend...,
Mettez le texte au passe comme to...,
Mettez le texte au passe a huitre...
53  cards
44 - Le Plus-Que Parfait
Le plus que parfait utilisation l...,
Le plus que parfait formation etr...,
Les temps du passe resume quand j...
22  cards
46 - "Venir de" etc..
Venir de infinitif pour insister ...,
Venir de infinitif venir de s uti...,
Etre en train de infinitif cette ...
27  cards
47 - A. Le Futur Simple
Le futur simple formation on ajou...,
Le futur simple formation pour le...,
Le futur simple formation verbes ...
39  cards
47 - B. Le Futur Simple et Le Futur Proche
Le futur simple et le futur proch...,
Le futur simple et le futur proch...,
Le futur simple et le futur proch...
24  cards
Regular -er Verbs
Abaisser to,
Abimer to ruin,
Aimer to like love
57  cards
-uyer/-oyer Verbs
Broyer to grind,
Envoyer to send,
Ennuyer to bore
3  cards
Stem Changing -er Verbs
Alterer to alter,
Esperer to hope,
Proteger to protect
8  cards
Regular -ir Verbs
Remplir to fill,
Abolir to abolish,
Accomplir to accomplish
29  cards
Verbs like PARTIR
Partir to goje parstu pars il par...,
Dormir to sleepje dorstu dorsil d...
7  cards
Verbs that end with -llir, -frir, -vrir
Couvrir to cover,
6  cards
Verbs that end in -enir
Venir to come,
Abstenir to abstain,
Appartenir to belong
18  cards
Really Irregular -ir verbs
Acquerir to acquire,
Conquerir to conquer,
Asseoir s to sit down
18  cards
Verbs like ROMPRE
Rompre to break,
Corrompre to corrupt,
Interrompre to interrupt
3  cards
Verbs like CUIRE
Cuire to cook,
Conduire to drive,
Confire to preserve pickle candy
10  cards
Verbs like ÉCRIRE
Ecrire to write,
Circonscrire to contain confine,
Recrire to rewrite
9  cards
Verbs like CRAINDRE
Craindre to fear,
Adjoindre to appoint,
Astreindre to compel force
8  cards
Verbs like METTRE
Mettre to put,
Admettre to admit,
Abattre to knock down
8  cards
Verbs like PRENDRE
Prendre to take,
Entreprendre to undertake,
Surprendre to suprise
3  cards
Verbs like CONNAÎTRE
Connaitre to know
1  cards
really irregular -re verbs
Boire to drink,
Conclure to concludealso exclure ...,
Coudre to sew
15  cards

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french year 1

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