first year veterinary school

This class was created by Brainscape user Meagan Murray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (43)

Anatomy I- Canine Pelvic Limb Muscle Actions
Sartorius cranial head,
Sartorius caudal head,
Superficial gluteal
28  cards
Anatomy I- Canine Pelvic Limb Innervations ( By Nerve)
Caudal gluteal nerve,
Cranial gluteal nerve,
Sciatic nerve
7  cards
Anatomy I- Canine Pelvic Limb Innervations (By Muscle)
Superficial gluteal,
Middle gluteal,
Deep gluteal
25  cards
Anatomy I- Canine Pelvic Limb Muscles ( Attachments)
Superficial gluteal,
Middle gluteal,
Deep gluteal
31  cards
Histology- Exam #1
What is histology,
What does fixation do,
Is freezing used to fix samples
93  cards
Histology-Exam 2
Mesenchymal cells,
146  cards
Histology- Exam # 3
What is the black arrow pointing ...,
What is the function of the femal...,
What is the surface epithelium of...
219  cards
Histology- From Exam 3 to final
Why should you not inject drugs i...,
What is an issue with coelomic ep...,
What are the large pink structure...
164  cards
Immunology- Exam # 1
What is innate immunity adaptive ...,
What is cell mediated immunity,
What was the importance of the st...
40  cards
Immunology- Exam # 3
What is an important co stimulato...,
What is cd79 made of,
True of false b cells are always ...
182  cards
Immunology-Material From Exam 3 To Final
What is autoimmunity,
What percentage of t and b cell r...,
What factors may be related to au...
41  cards
Physiology I -Exam 2 - Neurophysiology and Sensory Organs (From Review Slides)
What is a motor neuron pool,
According to the definition an up...,
What is the function of a motor n...
20  cards
Physiology I- Exam 2 - Neurophysiology and Sensory Organs (my own questions)
Adrenergic receptor alpha 1,
Adrenergic receptor alpha 2,
Adrenergic receptor beta 1
32  cards
Physiology I- Cardiac Physiology Practice Questions Exam 3
An abnormality that causes a sust...,
Intrinsic control of blood low is...,
Compared with the systemic circul...
47  cards
Physiology I- Cardiology/ Blood Exam 3 study
What rhythm is presented here wha...,
What rhythm is presented here wha...,
What rhythm is presented here wha...
174  cards
Physiology I- Exam 3 Tangs Practice Questions
1 which of the following statemen...,
2 a specialized conduction system...,
Electrocardiogram ecg waves revea...
7  cards
Physiology I- Final Exam practice Questions
1 which of the following statemen...,
A specialized conduction system p...,
3 electrocardiogram ecg waves rev...
9  cards
57  cards
Mechanisms of Toxicity
48  cards
General Principles of Management of Toxicoses
60  cards
Toxic Dose calculation
21  cards
Pathology of The Alimentary System - Part 1, Oral cavity
The alimentary system varies in,
Dogs and cats develop ___________...,
__________ and _____ develop a wi...
79  cards
Part 2-Esophagus-forestomachs-stomach
1 what condition is pictured belo...,
1 what is a common sequelae of pr...
58  cards
Alimentary System, Part 3A, Intestine
Are congenital anomalies common w...,
Define atresia,
Define stenosis
50  cards
Alimentary System – Diagnostic Exercise
33 year old grey horse geldinglef...,
33 year old grey horse gelding wa...,
Close up of broken teeth and impa...
22  cards
Topic 1 - Introduction
Who was hippocrates what theories...,
Describe the theory of multiple i...,
29  cards
Sampling Epidemiology
Epidemiological approaches require,
When you want to conduct a study ...,
How are you going to measure dise...
44  cards
Infectious Diseases
What is the definition of infecti...,
Describe the basic mechanisms of ...,
What are the general features of ...
54  cards
Week 1 -Introduction
What do we need in order to be he...,
How do human health issues occur
51  cards
Occupational safety and health
What landmark laws were passed in...,
What are the seven common standar...,
What is osha
47  cards
Waste management and soilborne diseases
What does waste accumulation cause,
What can happen if waste comes in...,
Waste becomes a breeding ground for
112  cards
Waterborne Diseases
What are the water laws in the usa,
The share of water in body over t...,
Although water covers 2 3 of the ...
35  cards
Airborne Diseases
What is environmental air compose...,
Most respiratory diseases are due to,
What standards did the clean air ...
31  cards
Week 1 - Intro
What is the definition of clinica...,
Clinical pathology,
Clinical pathology hematology com...
75  cards
Week 1 - Erythropoiesis and the erythrogram
Define the term erythron,
All erythroid cells in an animal ...,
What of an erythrocyte is made up...
58  cards
Week 1 - Erythrocyte Morphology
What blood values are used to det...,
Anemia classification is based on...,
What are the main functions of er...
67  cards
Week 2 - Anemia Part 1
Define anemia,
How is rbc mass measured,
What are the clinical signs of an...
49  cards
Week 2 - Anemia Part 2
What are your lab findings in a c...,
Non regenerative anemia results from,
What are the causes of non regene...
27  cards
EndoPharm 1
What does the endocrine system en...,
Why are the hypothalamus pituitar...,
What is the difference in origin ...
118  cards
EndoPharm 2
Mineralcorticoids function to,
List three examples of mineralcor...,
How do mineralcorticoids act on t...
77  cards
Reproductive Pharmacotherapeutics - 1
Describe the hpg axis,
Peptides gnrh oxytocin short chai...,
Gnrh is what type of peptide
65  cards
Reproductive Pharmacotherapeutics - 2
Extra label drug use eldu in anim...,
Why should you read the label whe...,
What function does superovulation...
24  cards
Anti-Neoplastics #1
Define cancer,
What is the difference between be...,
What is the definition of a tumor
88  cards

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first year veterinary school

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