ebac - internal medicine and infectious disease

This class was created by Brainscape user Kentaro Kaneko. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

Sexually Transmitted Infections
Lgv serovars,
Lgv treatment,
Lgv incubation
5  cards
Respiratory Infections
Typical pneumonia most common bac...,
Procalcitonin in viral pneumonia,
Procalcitonin in bacterial typica...
8  cards
Emerging Disease - Monkeypox
Monkeypox geographic distribution,
Monkeypox expanding distribution,
Monkeypox genus
16  cards
HIV - Mutations
6  cards
Lab Interpretation
0  cards
Autoimmune hemolytic anemias typi...,
Acute blood loss anemia typically,
G6pd anemia type
37  cards
Antiretrovirals: Names / Class
Trade name and classes bic taf ftc,
Trade name and classes drv c taf ftc,
Trade name and classes dtg abc 3tc
51  cards
Systolic dysfunction leading to d...,
Most common cardiomyopathy 95,
Dilated cardiomyopathy typical de...
33  cards
Burning mouth syndrome description,
Burning mouth syndrome epidemiology,
Burning mouth syndrome etiology
12  cards
HIV Resistance
M184 v i rti,
K65 r rti,
K70 e rti
9  cards
Cephalexin trade name,
Cephalexin class,
Cephalexin active against
5  cards
Staphylococcus coagulase positive...,
Staphylococcus coagulase negative...,
Coagulase diagnostic and bacteria...
23  cards
HIV-related Opportunistic Infections
Pj pneumonia ldh snsp,
Pj pneumonia ldh nl range,
Pj pneumonia mean ldh
11  cards
Gastrointestinal Infections
Most common viral cause of foodbo...,
Viral causes of foodborne illness,
Most common bacterial causes of f...
35  cards
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Describe the role of hcl and peps...,
____ stimulates stomach acid secr...,
What are the main functions of th...
145  cards
Components of complete dermatolog...,
Particularly important in derm hx,
Descriptors every derm report mus...
31  cards
Obstetrics Pearls
Typical gestational period,
1st trimester timespan,
2nd trimester timespan
100  cards
Phases of ovarian cycle,
Phases of uterine cycle,
Cycles of the menstrual cycle
138  cards
Travel Medicine
Key factors in determining the he...,
Pre trip recommendations14,
Risk assessment looking at itiner...
51  cards
Which are the medically important...,
What are the medically important ...,
What are the medically important ...
35  cards
Sirs criteria need 2 or more,
Define sepsis,
Define septic shock
13  cards
List some common uropathogens,
What mechanisms does the healthy ...,
What are some things that predisp...
37  cards
Skin, Soft Tissue Infection
What percentage of cat bites beco...,
What is empiric treatment for dog...,
What are the most common infectio...
56  cards
Infective Endocarditis
Characteristics of endocarditis,
Characteristics of endocardial ve...,
What are the 4 types of ie
33  cards
Catheter Associated Infections
What is a tunnel infection,
What are sources of catheter rela...,
What is the major source of cai
6  cards
GI Tract Infection
What is the range of presentation...,
Outline c difficile pathogenesis,
What type of toxins does c diffic...
36  cards
What is the most significant meth...,
Describe the infectivity of the c...,
What is the incubation period of ...
72  cards
Antiviral Drugs
What is the clinical application ...,
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the clinical application ...
11  cards
What is the pathogenesis of influ...,
Bacterial and viral causes of acu...,
If patient presents with a cough ...
66  cards
Drug/Bug Combos - Cases, PBL, + need to knows
Staphylococcus aureus,
Strep pyogenes
32  cards
Antifungal and Antiparasitic Therapy
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the nickname of amphoteri...,
Amphotericin and nystatin are a f...
61  cards
CNS/Opthalmic Infections
3 causes of bacterial meningitis ...,
Causes of bacterial meningitis in...,
Patho of bacterial meningitis
79  cards
Genital Tract Infections
What are the 2 most common viral ...,
What are the symptoms of urethrit...,
What are symptoms of urethritis c...
46  cards
Final: Ch 26 Acute Renal Failure & Chronic Kidney Disease
Acute renal failure is the rapid ...,
Clinical presentation of acute re...,
Filtration definition
57  cards
Occam s razor,
Hickam s dictum,
Sutton s law
5  cards

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ebac - internal medicine and infectious disease

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