This class was created by Brainscape user John Gonzales. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Screening for Referral
What regions of the body may syst...,
What are the 3 options that pts h...,
What are the 5 steps of the goodm...
12  cards
Screening in Pt interview
What are 2 essentially questions ...,
List prominent signs that someone...,
Other less prominent signs that s...
37  cards
Physical Assessment as a Screening Tool
List several screening procedures,
Why is it important to screen the...,
T f new onset of skin lesions sho...
42  cards
Pain Types and Patterns
T f organs are richly innervated ...,
Why can the cortex not distinguis...,
What are the 3 proposed mechanism...
78  cards
Screening for Cardiovascular Disease
List risk factors for cardiovascu...,
Vascular pain descriptors,
S s of cardiovascular disease
74  cards
Screening for Pulmonary Disease
Pulmonary screening may be perfor...,
What are the most common pulmonar...,
List major s s of pulmonary disor...
66  cards
Screening for GI disease
List places where the gi system m...,
What are the most common gi disod...,
List s s of gi disorders
43  cards
GI pathology
List gi pathologies,
Describe a peptic ulcer,
What are some causes of peptic ul...
34  cards
Screening for Hematologic Disease
What does blood consist of,
What does plasma do,
What is the role of erythrocytes
45  cards
Screening for Hepatic and Biliary Disease
What organ systems are included i...,
Msk symptoms associated with hepa...,
S s of hepatic and biliary disorder
42  cards
Screening for Urogenital and Gynecologic Disease
Complaints of what may be seconda...,
The urinary tract consists of what,
S s of genitourinary disease include
82  cards
Screening for Endocrine and Metabolic Disease
What makes up the endocrine system,
What is the function of the endoc...,
List the organs of the endocrine ...
69  cards
Screening for Immunologic Disease
What is immunology,
Immunity is provided by ________,
How are immune disorders classified
70  cards
Screening for Cancer
What are the 2 most important ris...,
T f cancer is often symptomatic e...,
Relationship between survival rat...
73  cards
Screening for Pedatrics/Adolescents
List several pediatric adolescent...,
What is meningitis,
What causes meningitis
46  cards
Screening for Obstetric, Geriatric, and Post-Op pts
List examinations and treatment c...,
What is supine hypotension syndrome,
Examination and treatment conside...
43  cards

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differential diagnosis

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