clinical pathology specialities: medical microbiology

This class was created by Brainscape user cairon henry. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Medical Microbiology: Bacterial Pathogens and Diseases I (Exotoxins)
What is a pathogen,
What is meant by the term pathoge...,
What is meant by the term virulence
43  cards
Medical Microbiology: Bacterial Pathogens and Diseases II (Endotoxins)
Describe the structure of a gram ...,
Describe the structure of a lipop...,
What are some of the characterist...
15  cards
Medical Microbiology: Viral Pathogens: Classification, Biology, Diseases - I
What are the different types of v...,
Describe some features of the dif...,
How can rna genomes encode inform...
32  cards
Medical Microbiology: Viral Pathogens: Classification, Biology, Diseases - II
Why might a virus infect a host cell,
Describe the typical course of hi...,
Why doesnt hiv 1 deplete all cd4 ...
16  cards
Medical Microbiology: Parasitology
What is a parasite,
What are the 3 main classes of pa...,
What are protozoa
25  cards
Medical Microbiology: Pathogenesis of Parasitic Infections
What is leishmaniasis,
What are the different types of l...,
Describe the life cycle of leishm...
32  cards
Medical Microbiology: Mechanism of Viral Infection and Pathogenesis
Why dont most viruses infect humans,
What are some major sites of micr...,
What are some common viral diseas...
31  cards
Medical Microbiology: Microbial Immune Evasion Mechanisms
What are some of the properties o...,
What are some of the properties o...,
Explain the idea of balanced path...
29  cards
Medical Microbiology: Diagnosis of Viral Infections
Why are laboratory tests often ne...,
Why is rapid diagnosis of voral i...,
What are the possible test types ...
40  cards
Medical Microbiology: Systems for Detection of Pathogens I
What is taxonomy,
What can the name of a pathogen i...,
How can you define what a pathoge...
34  cards
Medical Microbiology: Systems for Detection of Pathogens II
What is the aim of molecular gene...,
What are some techniques that use...,
What are some examples of viruses
28  cards
Medical Microbiology: Molecular and Genomic Epidemiology of Infections
What is molecular epidemiology,
What are some of the questions th...,
What targets for molecular epidem...
24  cards
Medical Microbiology: Mechanism of Antivirals
Name some types of antimicrobials,
Whay do we need anti virals,
What are some of the uses of anti...
50  cards

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clinical pathology specialities: medical microbiology

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