This class was created by Brainscape user Saskia Chapman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Lecture 1- Topography of the nervous system
Basic compnonents of the cns,
Components of the pns,
What are the different components...
67  cards
Lecture 2- Development of the nervous system 1/2
Day 18 primitive disc,
What occurs along the primitive s...,
38  cards
Lecture 2- Development of nervous system 2/2
How do neural tube defects occur ...,
Formation of vertebra which surro...,
Neural tube disorders spina bifid...
29  cards
Lecture 3- Cellular physiology of the brain
Components of the cns,
Types of glial cells neuroglia,
Astrocyte functions
48  cards
Lecture 4- Somatic sensation
2 broad categories of sensation,
Special sensation,
General sensation is sensation de...
28  cards
Lecture 5- Ascending pathways
The dorsal column medial lemniscu...,
Outline how the,
Nuceli of the dorsal column where...
20  cards
Lecture 6– The retina and the visual pathway
Purpose of the pigmented layer of...,
Function of rods and cones,
Fucntion of bipolar cells
37  cards
Lecture 7- Cerebral blood supply to the brain
Summary of posterior circulation,
Summary of anterior circulation i...,
Physiological relevance of circul...
31  cards
Lecture 8- The motor system- lower motor neurones and the muscle stretch reflex
What are the primary components o...,
Somatic motor system responsible for,
Upper motor neurone upm project onto
25  cards
Lecture 9- The motor system- upper motor neurones and descending tracts
Major motor tract which descends ...,
The corticospinal tract is respon...,
Where do upper motor neurones sup...
61  cards
Lecture 10- Basal ganglia, cerebellum and movement disorders
Basic function of the basal gangl...,
Key components of the basal ganglia,
Which parts of basal ganglia are ...
45  cards
Lecture 11 - ‘Higher’ cortical function
Describe the cerebral cortex,
Complex functions of the cerebral...,
Majority of inputs to the cortex
42  cards
Lecture 12- The brainstem, arousal, sleep and consciousness
Definine consciouness arousal and...,
Two basic ingredients are require...,
Reticular formation
37  cards
Lecture 13– Introduction to neuropathology
Types of neuropathology,
The cns is usually sterile name 3...,
Cerebral abscess cause by middle ...
61  cards
Lecture 14- Dementia and delirium
Dementia summary,
Pathophysiology of alzheimers dem...,
2 theories for ad
36  cards
Lecture 15- Headaches
Causes of headache,
38  cards
Lecture 16- Stroke 1/2
Types of stroke
40  cards
Lecture 16- Stroke 2/2
Cerevrellar artery occlusions,
Signs of cerebellar artery occlusion,
Danish symptoms ipsilateral
18  cards
Lecture 17- Pathophysiology and management of raised intracranial pressure
Normal icp,
Ways of measuring pressure,
What is contained within the cran...
43  cards
Lecture 18- The meninges and subarachnoid haemorrhage
3 layers of the meninges,
Dura mater,
Arachnoid mater
49  cards
Lecture 19– Introduction to psychiatry
Psychiatry is based on,
Philosophical issues dualism,
Philosophical issues
24  cards
Lecture 20- Anxiety
Define anxiety,
Symptoms palpitations sweating tr...,
Why do we get anxious fight or fl...
34  cards
Lecture 21– Mood disorders
Mood disorders,
Core symptoms of depression,
Somatic symptoms biological sympt...
46  cards
Lecture 22- Psychosis
Definition of psychosis,
38  cards
Group work questions
Which structures detect muscle st...,
In monosynaptic reflexes like the...,
Draw a labelled diagram showing t...
32  cards
Neurological terminology
25  cards
Telencephalic dysgenesis is an ex...,
While examining a patient who is ...,
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is a...
30  cards
Examplify question bank 1/2
One complication of subarachnoid ...,
Which region on the image of midb...,
A region of white matter is ident...
54  cards
Examplify question bank 2/2
A 6 year old boy presents with dy...,
Refer to the attached diagram ign...,
58  cards
Review lecture
13  cards

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clinical neuroscience

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