This class was created by Brainscape user Brynn Walker. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Antimicrobials, Principles of Use and Antimicrobial Stewardship
What is antimicrobial chemotherapy,
What are some examples of antiinf...,
What does the concept of differen...
22  cards
Antibiotic Classes and Resistance
What are the 3 types names of cel...,
What are the 3 classes of ss lactams,
What is the mode of action of ss ...
79  cards
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
What are the 2 main purposes of s...,
What are the 7 components in susc...,
What 4 things do you want to look...
26  cards
Gram positive bacteria identification
What is the main division between...,
Which genus genera of bacteria gr...,
Which genus genera of bacteria gr...
62  cards
Gram Negative identification
What is the name for bacteria tha...,
What do microaerophilic bacteria ...,
What are 5 features common to all...
44  cards
Rapid ID and Blood Cultures
What does maldi tof stand for,
What is the basic principle of ma...,
What is the basic procedure for m...
28  cards
What are 3 possible reasons why a...,
Most clinical isolates are what f...,
What are the three methods for ex...
26  cards
What are 7 mechanisms that normal...,
What is the difference between an...
39  cards
RTI's (bacterial)
How are rtis normally divided,
What two types of infections are ...,
What does aecb ae copd stand for
88  cards
Viral RTIs
How are viral rtis transmitted,
In what types of places are outbr...,
Based on the study discussed what...
59  cards
Bacterial CNS infections
What is the main element of treat...,
Define meningitis,
What is another name for non bact...
49  cards
Viral CNS infections
What is encephalitis and how is i...,
What is myelitis,
What are some results from a csf ...
85  cards
Bacterial STI
What are 4 consequences of untrea...,
What are 2 consequences of untrea...,
What are 2 consequences of untrea...
41  cards
Viral STIs
What kind of virus is molluscum c...,
What who is the reservoir for m c...,
What is the clinical presentation...
59  cards
GI infections (bacterial)
In developing nations gi infectio...,
Outbreaks of gi infections are us...,
In the developing world how many ...
93  cards
Viral GI infections and C. difficile
What warning signs are usually ab...,
Which symptom is often most promi...,
What is the typical duration of a...
85  cards
How many people die every year in...,
What are 4 resistant gram negativ...,
Of the 4 major resistant gram neg...
40  cards
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
What is the approximate surface a...,
What is the role of skin,
What 3 things make up the skin
67  cards
What is the definition of a toxin,
Compare and contrast endotoxins v...,
Exotoxins can appear in 2 forms w...
82  cards
What are five properties shared b...,
What are the 6 layers of the myco...,
What are the 2 subdivisions used ...
67  cards
Viral Exanthems
What is a macule macular rash,
What is a papule papular rash,
What is a morbilliform rash
68  cards
Bloodborne viruses
Whats the morphology genome of hi...,
How many species of hiv are there,
How many groups are there in hiv 1
53  cards
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
What is vhf used to describe,
What are 3 common clinical manife...,
What other nonspecific symptoms u...
55  cards
What kind of morphology motility ...,
Where is the flagella located for...,
Are all spirochetes pathogenic
44  cards
Agents of bioterror
What is an ssba,
What is bioterrorism,
What are the two main modes of tr...
58  cards
Tick borne infections
Rickettsial bacteria are what typ...,
How are rickettsial pathogens tra...,
Are rickettsial pathogens motile
51  cards
Protozoa are need,
Helminths are,
Helminths can be subdivided into
76  cards
What are 5 features of the fungi ...,
How are fungi classified,
What class of fungi do not form s...
50  cards

More about
clinical micro

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